I have been offered a signed Beatles vinyl for $2500.  Is there any way that this could be possible?

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Very curious to see what it's going to look like.

Not only the "too good to be true, it probably is" but..in this day and age, you DO NOT need to know ANYTHING about autographs. You can Google, and find values in a few minutes. It's not like it's 1973 and somebody has something signed, and has no clue what it is worth...or might be worth in 10 years. We have the internet. EVERYONE can find out. It's why those idiotic Pawn Stars shows are so frustrating. They DO NOT need experts. They can just Google!!!!

Just A Lennon signature on a piece of paper is worth $2500. Signed vinyl's are very rare and very expensive.

I give it a 99% of not being real.

The days of finding a great deal are practically over. Dealers today..(mostly) have educated themselves on the market value of their items.Because of things like "Pawn Stars..."American Pickers"...and "Antiques Roadshow"..most..if not all serious collectors know whats going on.

Yep, especially with the Beatles.

But even obscure stuff. I found a mis labeled  autograph starting at $9.99. The listing didn't mention the autograph at all just the document it was on.  It was  worth like $600. I was rubbing my hands together thinking, ohhhhh what a score this will be! Nope, bidders knew what was up and brought it to its true worth. People know. Knowledge is everywhere.

I know James.  I spent 1,999 just on John's.  But I am nauseatingly optimistic, so I am banking on that 1%!

I think that's a bit optimistic. Unless it has been run over by a truck, I'd have to put the chances of a dealer selling a signed Beatles LP at that price at less than 1%. 

More like .0001%
I think he really
Meant $25k


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