It almost causes physical pain to look at it (Queen)

A genuine (would be) beautiful set of signatures....COVERED BY TAPE. "For protection". Looks like the tape has been on since 76 when it was signed. You just know theres no pretty way to remove it. Have you ever seen anything so.....nasty?

ANATO came in 2 covers: paper (cardstock paper texture) and glossy. Idk which would be worse to remove 40+ year old tape from. 

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My sentiments exactly, Homer!

Well it is.... vintage! I would buy it for 200 USD.

maybe this was the PSA/DNA prototype for encapsulating signatures haha

There's no way to remove the tape and take the chance of completely destroying it now.

The tape can be removed without damaging the signatures, a restoration specialist named Jaime Mendez can do it and has done it many times for a lot of well-known dealers and auction houses..

that's impressive and something I'll have to look into further 

any idea how much he charges?

I too would like to know what he charges. That price would then factor in on the value for the item. 

All 3 signatures have 40+ year old tape on them on a cardstock paper texture. If he really could get it off, I can't imgaine it being cheap

You can contact him at or go to his website Jaime Mendez restoration...It wouldnt be that expensive..

I just emailed his website for a consultation. Let's see what he responds back with. His examples are very nice but I'm still highly skeptical. 40+ year old tape on cardstock paper....

He has removed tape that was over old Beatles signatures from the 60's and they came out perfect...and they were on construction type paper....

If that's true, then its definitely worth doing to save this item. His prices really arent bad at all. Hes got examples on his site and they're great, but I didnt see any that had tape on the signatures like this one did, but i trust you. The guy sounds like a miracle worker! 

Thanks MC, I'll pass his name along to the gentleman that brought this item to my attention to begin with. 

Imo i wouldn't touch the item unless it could be restored and it sounds like this guy might just be the ticket.


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