So a guy on an autograph group (making it clear he's a member, not a trusted dealer on there. The RACC Facebook group) messaged me yesterday his brother got a couple of in person River Phoenix autographs in 1992 whilst at a hotel. It took him aaages to get back with this. I'm guessing cuz he spent so long trying to forge it. I'm saying no. I will post it here first pic, last 2 we're authentic sold by Robert Saunders autographs.

ALSO if anyone is willing to sell me one I'd be forever grateful. Looking and looking each night! I have 600 AU, if you are willing to work with payment installments when I'm paid each fortnight, that would be awesome. (I got my Ayrton senna and Marilyn Monroe signed cheque that way) pics: 

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First one looks poorly and slowly drawn - no flow.

The first is a terrible forgery, done by a scammer. He has actually taken ppl out of pics with celebs and photoshopped himself there. Severely unhinged. He was on the RACC Facebook group. Not a seller, just a member. No doubt he'll be banned. His name is Nikolas Ker. Watch out. 


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