I was wondering if anyone has any stories or luck with Jimmy Page fan mail? I figure during this pandemic is a good shot at catching him at a good time during his lockdown. I've heard he isn't staying at his London house currently but is in his southeast England home for his lockdown. Who knows any info will help... thanks!

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Jimmy has not signed fan mail for 25-30 plus years.

ok thank you.

I think you would have a better chance of getting Mother Teresa.

I have been trying robert plant but with no luck either. Has anyone on here tried fan mail to Robert? 

Believe it or not John, I just got back my fan mail from plant signed! I waited 2 years haha

Thats amazing i believe 100% man haha. have seen a few people recently get back from him. I i goig to send a carry fire vinyl at the end of the week. Have you got picture of what you got ? 

Here it is!!! She’s a beauty

I need  to send quick as its not going to last long. I think a few people have cought on during lockdown abiut ttm. I am one of them 

Can you post a photo of the signature?

14F3458E-E3A4-4823-8BA2-C92F8C784E76.jpeg here it is!! She’s a beauty 

I'm telling you this right now. Page will NOT sign thru the mail. You'd be crazy to even attempt it.

Just got a reply from Robert Plant TTM. He was very nice to sign my record. But all of my friends were unlucky - everyone received their stuff back unsigned and with a note "Robert moved from here".


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