To the untrained eye this looks like a phenomenal Andy Griffith signed photo. Experienced Griffith collectors know that signed photos of him in his sheriff’s uniform are virtually unheard of. They also know most legit signed photos are personalized. Elite Griffith collectors know this photo is not genuine….but rather a stamped publicity photo. How do I know? Because I’m holding one in the photo. 

Someone is about to lose a few hundred bucks.

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Eric, not one of mine, but I like this one….in my humble opinion.

Eric, again not one of mine, but I like this one also.

Eric, I never collected printed or secretarial autographs on purpose….I noticed from an earlier thread on Faye Dunaway…..she has a lot of auto penned and or printed items on the net…….To stay on topic, this is an in person Andy from the mid to early 80's. 

The stamp shown in the OP has one thing in common with many others - unusual legibility.

Eric, This is also a nice in person.

Very nice items David - thanks for sharing. His signatures have a very interesting construction, no?

I hate to say it……but a child like autograph in my humble opinion…..He was very private. The Island he lived on in North Carolina, you could take a look at his house by boat….but the locals would never say anything about him……He did not sign much, and many years ago I was told his manager was very good at signing his name…..just saying what I Heard. 

O. Linke I imagine. Yes, not a very "refined" graph. Even Gleason, another famous non-signer, could produce some very nifty signatures - if he wanted to.

The October 5th, 1961 is special - it is dated 3 days before the first episode of season 2!

Eric, I can't throw down a name , but this is from a collection of a professional photographer who shot images for "Time", "Life" etc…..the heirs sold the collection of autographs the photographer collected after his death……

That is really neat. Were you able to obtain any others from the photographers collection? 

I collected many others from the collection…..with name and date on a 3x5 card…..he took the phots and collected the autographs,……I lost the Steve McQueen….


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