Freddie Mercury and John Deacon 1982 autographs, authentic?

It is a signature of Freddie and John 
that I bought from a Japanese collector about 15 years ago.
Both are written on 10 inch square paper with silver markers.
(When a Japanese asks a celebrity for an autograph,
it is the old way to give this paper.)
Are these real?

Tags: #Freddie, #John, #Queen, Deacon, Mercury

Views: 329

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The John looks good. I don't like the Fred. Could be rushed, but looks slow. Also looks like 2 different markers which suggests they weren't necessarily signed at the same meeting. I'd avoid the Fred. 


Thanks for your lightning reply.

"2 different marker!"

I didn't notice that.

Sure, Freddy's is a brand new marker, and John's is a worn-out marker.
Freddie's handwriting doesn't seem to be that slow.
However, I was also worried that the top and bottom were not parallel but slightly open.

The open aspect isn't concerning, but the overall flow is off on Fred's while John's is typical. Could be a rushed Fred, but I wouldn't touch it. 

Hope that helps. Take care


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