The card is signed by a well-known forger (Erick), whose work was identified by wascher some years ago. There is a whole thread of his fakes. Link to the card is here: (then you can work through the other pages to see more examples- including his fake drawings- if you wish.)
I'm not sure that the drawing forger above has been identified, but you can see similar examples in the 'Historic drawings and Disney' thread, which covers a multitude of sinners....
I'm guessing it's a gussied-up 'copy' of this doodle:
Also, if you haven't seen it, the book 'Kunstwerke von Michael Jackson' by Brett Livingstone Strong is a worthwhile browse. The text is in German (or there's a Japanese version), but the pictures speak for themselves. Many of MJ's genuine original drawings and abstracts are pictured, though none of the doodles. It does give you a good idea of his real drawing style.