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Can you tell us more about the Bowie?

Certed by Andy at

I was afraid of that - it appears one of his. Are you aware that is has been shown here that he is a forger and doesn't actually exist? His name is Tony Ford and there is a pencil example from a 1978-1998 Heroes Lithograph proof by Ford below along with yours.

Click for full images:

When and where did you acquire it?

  • Thanks Eric. Lemme go through my records and certs and see how I acquired this. I have never bought through Andy,  just ran stuff by him. I did reach out when I added twiggy to show him. I either purchased this through this forum or RACC….im looking into it. Still am sure its authentic but I appreciate the flags for future reference. 

Most welcome. Be careful - he fooled EVERONE. RR, RE, everyone. I see three things that say "Ford".  I wonder what others see. Hesitation abounds with Bowie right now - especially these years which exist in quantity and represent the bulk of his signatures (1995-1999).

PS - The other year where Bowie's signature exists in large quantities is 1983 - the year of the Serious Moonlight Tour.

Do you remember what year you bought it?

One thing that is observable is the lack of speed. This looks slow - Bowie was fast and somewhat sloppy - sometimes even when seated. Another is the hesitation in the stroke right before the paraph starts. Another is the start of the "B" which is typical of Ford. What do others see?

as mentioned i did not purchased from them but got a cert from them

Yes, thank you, but do you know the year? These "Bowie's" inundated the market - everywhere, everyone. This appears a Ford forgery. :-( The top heavy nature is also a tell IMO.

Unfortunately, my name is still used at as an expert :-(


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