Hi guys, this complete set is not mine, I want to clarify. I showed it in other groups because I simply find it fascinating. Last weekend I went to a comic convention, and there were three stands of memorabilia, in one of them, a Ringo signature was for sale for 2 K USD, and it seemed excessive to me.

The owner saw that I knew about these topics and I showed him part of my collection in photos. Then he showed me his next acquisition, which he authorized me to share in photos. There is an inscription on the back which makes me think someone got it for their friend's daughter, and it is dated 1964 Opera House, Blackpool. He told me that he will submit it to certification and subsequent sale, I hope to tell you the outcome later.

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I am familiar with this as I’ve seen it before. My analysis on the ink is the same as it was done by the same person but there are other giveaways here looking very closely at Ringos and Harrison’s. 

why does George have no r’s and two o’s? Ringo’s has no continuous flow and too much pressure. It’s not unusual to see a lot of pressure if the pen is bad or not not flowing or the surface is too slick or hard to penetrate but it’s the same pen and paper and you don’t see that in the other signatures. 

How is it on adhered to or wrapped around the cardboard? I can't figure it out.

Hi Steve, are you referring to the stains around the paper cut?

Raul, I don't understand how the paper and the backing relate to each other. When you took the photo did you flip the paper over and onto the reverse of the backing?

Oh, it's a scan. We need a video of him showing the front and back, both on the backing and off. 

Ah, ok, ok, I understand you. I actually think it's a scanner. The seller sent me the photos, I didn't have the item in my hands. If you look closely, you can see small pieces of rubbish around the paper, which is typical of a scanner.

I just figured this out. I thought the paper was on a backing, the jaggedness was rough edges of the signed paper, and the thin dark brown edges were shadows. But there's not a backing...it's all staining!

Yes! Under pressure I think. That is in in with previous posters observations. Great eye!

Yes, now I see that I missed what others said earlier.

The nature of the dark edges is the tell.

I also took those areas for shadow. I have never seen this sort of staining before. 

Hi Steve, I will ask the seller for more photos, even a video. He has been very kind in sharing these photos and allowing me to show them, I do not doubt that he will provide us with more information.


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