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The j is a little different from what i am used to seeing, and what bothers me is the second g since forgers tend to hide their craft in the darker.part of photos so they arent seen as easily (even when a photo is authenticated i hate it when they are signed in dark areas). I would say this is authentic given that its positive qualities outweigh the obscure ones. Nice piece; i hope others can join in.

That is a horrible forgery IMHO...Here's what a real one looks like on the same 11 x 14 photo

He's not going to miss the sweet spot like that and it's a well known forgery style. Certainly Fudd would not touch it with a ten foot pole.

I have to agree with Fudd on this. I hesitated to comment because I just wasn't sure, but G formation (without going into details) bothered me on this one.  especially the first g.

Lesson learned.

I had a hunch with the "g" being in the dark part of a photo.  You would think if Joe actually signed it he would use the abundant clear spots on the photo.  

Thanks for the responses guys.  This piece actually belongs to a friend of mine.  He purchased it on eBay many years ago and when I told him about this website he asked me to post it for some opinions.  If anyone else has an authentic Joe DiMaggio autograph in their collection would you please post it for comparison as well?  Thanks for posting your piece Fudd.  I would also like to add that my friend's piece came with a COA from President, Chairman and CEO Ken Goldin of The Score Board, Inc.  Here it is.


I'd post it over on Net 54 in the autograph section where Ken would be happy to answer your question.

I do believe that the photo in general may have been a scoreboard item at one time????. All of the legitimate ones I’ve seen were 11x14 photos with out the "Photo File" or "Cooperstown Collection" logos on the left. The photo in question looks to be 8X10? It is also very easy to just add or copy the scoreboard certificate. Still, the proof is in the autograph style. While I certainly don't know DiMaggio’s signature as well as Mantle's...I can see that one a mile least something as a collector I wouldn’t want in my collection.

Thanks Fudd.  I actually had never heard of Score Board prior to posting this item.  I don't plan on registering over on Net 54 but if Ken is a member here perhaps he will post a reply.  It is in fact an 8x10 photo.  Did Score Board at one time sell 8x10 photos with Photo File logos without autographs on them?  This is all new to me.  The fact that it was an eBay purchase along with the fact that the COA does appear to be easily copied is very concerning to me at this point.  I imagine that this was issued prior to the use of holograms. 

this one is from my collection. the scoreboard certs, unfortunately, were abused for many years, and forgers started using them to validate their bogus items

Thanks Terrier.  This is all beginning to make sense now.  Unfortunately it is not resulting in a good way.  Is the item that you posted above a Score Board item and if so what are the dimensions?

Mike, no that is not a Scoreboard item.  I can't even remember where I got it, I've had it for so long.  it's and 8x10 photo.

Yes you already know...this is not good...Score Board certs. have been copied and pinned to many many fakes...this is one of them...

Thanks CEE GEE.  Unfortunately I came to the same conclusion yesterday after reading what others posted.


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