AC/DC LP with Bon, Metallica, and 2 Pac Multi signed Photo..................Seriously?????????????

Hello everyone,

Can you please give me your opinions on a current ebay sellers items. To me these look like atrocious forgeries. Not even close, and if i didnt no better, id say they came from some place such as Prestige autographs. I dont think their is much chance they are real but am interested in your thoughts. The ebay seller is no stranger to us, but at this time I'd just like some opinions. A very sharp eye found these autographs and he undoubtedly has saved sellers money by bringing these to the attention of others. Thank you very much Don!!

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Ok mark, apparently you are so stupid that you cant read your own comments so here once again they are. First is when you didnt know we knew it was you on ebay selling items. You tried to defend your items, but you also admitted that some of them were fake. Read this very carefully mark the forger. Pronounce each syllable and repeat until you understand the words, afterall they are your own.


"You know I can't say that Mike J looks good. But that James Hetfield matches up with mine. As far as rappers I couldn't tell ya whats reel and whats fake. I did some research on Suge Knight on google images and found it to be similar, so maybe. Oh and did find a similar autograph picture the same with description from different source. Sounds fishy to me too. The Ac/Dc as far as what i've matched it up to on this site looks comparable to Psa/DnA authenticated stuff. They should get it checked by them to be sure. That 85 is def makes it looked rushed in the METALICA for sure. Is this ebay seller for real. I don't think he ever met Cliff Burton."

You remember that Mark the forger. You clearly admit your MJ item is bad, and your Metallica item is bad. But you take it a step further. When you were called out and embarrassed in front of the word this was your reply.

"No one cares about your opionions, I commented on those items like you guys would. No reasoning behind your answers. You were SET up to show the other people on this forum what losers you guys are and that your people with no skills.  Those autographs on Ebay were put together just for you and your few friends. A great combination of different authentic rare items to good for you not to chime in on. It was just a matter of time. One real seller with many serious collectors involved to expose you and your forum as the real cheats and pushers of your services. You'll never know but the jokes on you and a lot of people from this site you messed with are involved. Lets make sure everyone takes a look at these picture's and reads your lame excuses for why there not real and who wrote it. And you were worried about exposing me. Ha , I am just a simple fan/ inperson collector. Still since you guys made one lame comment on these auto's. Lets see what you have to say about the rest of those autographs. BE HONEST, say what you will, i'm sure some people will be very interested. We'll all get a chuckle and never gonna use your SERVICES or your FRIENDS. You set people up you get set up. 

So in that gem by mark the forger, he clearly states that his forgeries were planted as bait for members of this site. And he admitted clearly in his first response that his metallica and mj autographs were bad. He also tried to come to the defense of his ac/dc but fell flat on his face. Mark the forger also claims in his first response that he knows nothing of rap autographs. But later in his replies you hear him stating how he has compared these to many examples and knows they are real.

Want a better example to see that Mark the forger is litearlly out of his mind, and probably the village idiot. 2 or 3 replies above this, Mark the forger states that it wasnt him on that ebay name. Then Don showed his email yet again, and all of the sudden Mark the forger now admits to it.

Mark the forger keeps talking about the members of this site selling items and authenticating. Yet he clearly has a mental problem. Because no one on here is advertising any service, nor selling, nor authenticating anything.

Mark the forger, we are all speechless. Your stupidity and ignorance know no bounds. I have just shown you in your own words for the 5th time that you knowingly committed fraud!!!!!! And you will be turned in for that. Not only that but you will be kicked off ebay within a few days. All your conversations telling ebay to go f@ck themselves have been saved and they will be sent to them. Its game over mark the forger. No more forging or selling forgeries for you. You clearly stated your items were bad, and then in the next response stated that you knowingly had posted bad items on ebay to try and trap others.

I wonder what insane response you will have next mark the forger. Dont worry your real name is coming soon so soon we will have a last name to put before your new nickname. What crazy dellusional thing will you say next. Does mental illness run in your family mark the forger???

I hope Ebay reads this discussion and realizes how much you embelished on it and took my  responses and created your own story. Nothing will happen to those items because there is nothing out of the ordinary with them or the seller. I hope Ebay reads this discussion and realizes your the one thats bad for them and your banned. Attention:    CARL RYAN IS BANNED FROM EBAY CAUSE HE IS A FORGER AND SELLS FAKE AUTOGRAPHS ON AUTOGRAPH MAGAZINE LIVE!   That should pop up in Google just like the one you wrote about me.  Thanks again guy that never got to see backstage.

Correct mark, it will pop up. you got me mark the forger. But when those people look at this link, they will see a clearly delussional forger that is mad b/c his items have been busted. Your a criminal mark the forger,  a common seller of forgeries, in other words .............. scum.

Now in your stupidity mark the forger, can you please point to any one autograph being sold by myself on autograph magazine live????. lol. You cant, b/c your just a forger who is trying to back out of a whole.

I really am shocked that Steve Cyrkin hasnt banned you by now. But keep it up, its coming.  when the loonies and the forgers get on this site and show themselves for what they are, their items are gotten rid of and they are banned.

What will happen mark the forger when you cant comment on your own fake items anymore? What then mark the forger???

Mark, attached is a printscreen of our conversation!

Please explain that...


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I thought this conversation was about accusations of forgery with no reasoning or fact to back it up. Who cares who the owner or owners are? People want to know what proof do you have to make accusations that those items are fake. And does anyone else want to 100% make acusations that sellers items are fake like CARL RYAN.   YOU BROUGHT THESE ITEMS AND SELLER TO EVERYONE'S ATTENTION for discusion.  Don, I don't know what that message has to do with someone making accusations of forgery and what it could possibly be related to this discussion of these real items as forgeries. You guys are really reaching.       

then your even dumber than we all thought. And just a few replies ago you tried to deny it was you. You arent running on all cylinders mr forge.

It was you Mark who denied that you were the seller of the fakes on eBay. My previous attachment shows that you are a LIAR...

And no, this discussion is NOT about "accusations of forgery with no reasoning or fact to back it up". It´s about you selling obvious fakes on eBay and lying about it...

Wait everyone, case closed Mark has changed his story yet again. Lets keep tab so far:

First they werent his items and that he thought his own items were bad (when he didnt think we knew it was him)

Then it was a test for the members of this forum.

Then it was a test to expose a racket?

Then it was that we all are selling bad items and selling authentication services.

Then it was that he wasnt that ebay seller

Then it was he was that ebay seller, but all the items were genuine.

And now ladies and gentlemen, mark the forger is now stating that it was all SARCASM. Yep you heard that right, it was all sarcasm. Yep Mark the forger sure is a sharp one isnt he. I wonder how the story will change in the next few hours.

Probably the funnies thing that mark the forger has done so far is tell everyone to do their research and open their eyes. When any autograph collector of any level would laugh at these forgeries. Heck Coaches Corner would probably kick them off. These forgeries are so bad that Mark even thought his own items were bad. He said so in his own reply. lol. How will you get around that Mark. Was that sarcasm too??? Sarcasm before anyone called your bluff. Sarcasm before you knew anyone was onto your game. Yes everyone do your research on Marks forgeries. it will only take 2 seconds. Heck NE autographs would laugh at these.

Mark also apparently lives in the land of fairies and gum drops in which the long list of members who have said his items are horrible are selling items on this site and offering authentication services. Produce pictures mark, what items are being sold??? What items do you keep referring too. Produce them??? What authentication services are being promoted???? Please enlighten us. Is that all sarcasm too???? Or maybe it was another test??? Or maybe that wasnt your real AML name who made those comments??? Or maybe it was to show us all how bad we are at autographs???? Please enlighten us. The above are just a few of the changes in your story you have given so far. It really is time to just admit you sell frogeries, take your Prozac, and go back to ANL.

Oh yeah, and in your reply before you were called out Mark, you stated about your own items that "that seller should get them checked out by PSA/dna". It cracks me up Mark was talking about himself, how pathetic. But yes Mark, why dont you get them checked out by psa. Or maybe that was sarcasm too.

Whos everyone, don't see any other people's conversation here besides your own. BECAUSE,  you don't matter. Nobody cares about what you have to say or what I have to say. You keep quoteing my meaningless discussion with you like its tesimony. It's not and I don't think many people really care about what you have to say or me. Just a discussion started by you on what you thought were bad items. Everyone should believe you for what?   You really can't see your being made fun of this whole conversation.     * AGAIN CHECK THESE AUTOGRAPH ITEMS POSTED  on this site as bad forgeries bY CARL RYAN...and tell us if its fair that he condenm all items and seller as fakes and forgers. You talk way to much bull ship.  

Well Mark, just in this discussion have at least 10 different members called out your items as fakes.

So no, it´s not just Carl...

Check the first page of the conversation genius. You see that long list of commentors telling you your items are trash forgeries. Yup thats what i thought

Neither of the signatures on the USA for Africa Lp match up with any of my autographs that I have got in person from those artists. And I have been lucky enough to meet almost all of them in person. So in that case I can say that the LP is no good.

But I know that when you do a Google search for any of those autographs, there is a high possiblility that you will find fake autographs and not real ones. And in that case I understand why people think that their autographs are real, because they are matching up with the fake ones that they find on Google.

So I am focus on the autographs and not the seller or the person who try to defend the fake autographs.


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