I came across this auto on a website and they were asking $3000.  It's certified by GA (the new Ga not GAI) and AMA.  What do you guys think?  I was trying to negotiate with the seller but he/she won't budge.

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I am not the best on him, but this looks suspicious to me. And being certed by GA is enough to cause me to use extreme caution. Instead of getting it certed by GA, why not send it to PSA or JSA, and get double the money they would have received. Wait for others who are more experienced with him, it could be genuine, but i would not bid if it were me

I wouldn't buy it.

The item you posted looks quite a bit different from other stuff he's signed. When 2pac writes, it looks like he tends to drag the pen, sometimes connecting letters together and leaving little pen marks prior to starting the next letter. Very fast. The writing on this item has none of that. It is very neat. THe "2pac" is also very neatly written. When you are talking about $3,000, its best to back away. Let logic talk to you and not emotion.

Plus I've seen a lot of these promo photos with fake signatures on them. 

ga / gai who cares both pass off forgeries as authentic. 

It's definately not his hand writing so therefore I would have to say its not authentic without even bothering looking at the autograph.

Fake without a doubt

With Global Authentics certifying garbage like this, no wonder you don't see many Christopher Morales COAs anymore.

stay away from that one 


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