Whats your rarest most hard to find rock n roll autograph in your collection?

Mine would be(as of now) a newspaper article from feb 1969 about the stones rock n roll circus signed by mick,keith,bill,charlie and BRIAN JONES at one of his few visits at olympic studios for the let it bleed sessions,the author of the article had it signed at olympic studios , a few visits it took to finally catch brian aroound march/april....right before he left the stones.

This is one of the last items Brian Jones has signed with the stones in 1969

It was purchased from Tracks UK with letters of prov.  it was expensive but well worth it.

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Probably the only Elvis sleeve signed by The Clash in the world!


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that is no good

Would be this:

EVH Playing it on stage:

This is my FAVORITE as far as value!  It has a JSA certification with it!  :)

This is my favorite as far as getting in person myself!!!  

Not really a rare signature, but being a huge doors fan i was ecstatic about getting Robbie Krieger TTM a few months back

another favorite is a nirvana sticker signed by krist novoselic and dave grohl

I have a similar signed Nirvana sticker!! :)

Wow, awesome one.

Another of my favorite from my collection. Sex Pistols signed skatedeck with Set List (Written by Steve Jones) from their 2007 Reunion Concert at The Roxy, Los Angeles, CA.

To me, its very difficult to decide which one is my favourite one, because almost all of my autographs are obtained in person - so there is always some special story about them....

But the most interesting could be these:
I know that RW´s sign is not so rare (especially after he gave many many of them during The Wall 2010-13 tour), but this pairing with Gerald Scarfe on this iconic page of The Wall looks very nice, doesn´t it? :)

This is probably my favorite autograph. Elvis signed it for a young lady while getting fingerprinted for his Las Vegas entertainer's license in 1969.


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