I have a collection of Roy Rogers material which includes several autographs from the many times I met him. I also have a Gene Autry autograph. Also some Eddie Fisher items.


My collection consists of many different items along with the autographs. I itemized the collection and am offering my complete collection for sale.I have some rare stuff.



Will I have to get the autographs authenticated?

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Fred, you never have to get your autographs authenticated (by a third party I think you mean), but sometimes it makes sense. We're all your autographs collected in person? If you list what you have, and upload some images, you'll get some solid suggestions on how to proceed.

Hi Steve


Yes I managed to get all of the Roy Rogers autographs in person. Autry sent me a personalized photo with his autograph on it.

I'd love to see the inperson signature of Roy Rogers.  A dealer told me years ago that he had someone in his office that signed his mail for him.
Ive heard that too Kyle.  I'd love to see a signature study.

Hi Guys


OK. I will scan the photo with the signature on it for you to see. I have several autographs from when I met Roy and he signed them in person for me. One time (1983) I was on a Baltimore TV Show called "People Are Talking" with a young Oprah Winfrey when Roy was the guest and he signed a photo for me during the break. In fact I managed to ask Roy a question and was filmed as part of the show. I still have the video tape of me asking him a question.

Hi Guys


Here is the photo that Roy signed for me. As I said I have others and his signature looks like this one on the others.

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