Let's reserve this thread for any non-musician signed books and other items, at least until a dedicated forum exits for those posts.

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Thanks, got one!

It shows $27.17 and nothing saying how much it is to ship to the USA…. Weird… usually that is included in the break down before you agree to pay….seems sketchy….

I have experience with Blackwells to USA. No tracking but its fine. I bought Gordon Ramsay, took 8 days, and Emma Bunton, 13 days. Delivery included

Check if it states that shipping is included. This is normal (incl shipping).

I’ve had no issues with Blackwells sending to Australia. They are an established well known book company in UK. Cheers 

Says...Includes delivery to USA

Living Planet The Web of Life on Earth

David Attenborough

Signed by the Author

Hardback (14 Oct 2021)

  • $27.17

Added to basket

 Includes delivery to USA

Thx all! I bought one! Ssys shipping is included to the states… nice!

It's how they work. They adjust the price depending on where you live. To the EU they cover both shipping and duties.

Thanks for posting!

Thanks so much! I missed out on the signed prerelease of this from the other bookshops (Waterstones etc) and never expected to see any more! I’ve managed to buy two so I can gift one. Awesome find. Thanks heaps. 

John Cho has a signed book coming out next March that's available through indie bookstores (and probably eventually BAM/B&N) to go with the Kal Penn one at B&N:


Wil Wheaton Still Just a Geek: An Annotated Memoir comes out in April:


The Alicia Keys graphic novel and the Ciara/Russell Wilson children's book will also be available at indies, but they already have their own discussions. I linked to Mysterious Galaxy, but a lot of indies will have these titles.

This forum is for signed items. Nowhere does it say signed editions.

I know this is for signed items... that's why I posted about them here.



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