1970's Elton John Yellow Brick Road -- Authentic or good forgery?

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It's too stiffly signed and has too much pen pressure for me. My vote is no.

Sorry but I don’t like it.  Steve has brought up some very good points. 

Here is mine for comparison 

nice signature, Classic

Thank you Terrier!

Classic Elton John. Very nice.

Thank you Steve. 

my vote too, for the same reasons

I agree with Steve, that's awful.

Seller - rd421smith2012  has many autographed items for sale that look good at first glance but are most likely forgeries. Here are his "other items" 


I and a few others here have been watching RD Smith for some time. Bad material. "Bowie", "Gleason"...

His real name is Billy Smith from Florida. His claim to fame was running the Asbury Park Rock and Roll Museum in the '80's and mostly sold Springsteen items. Now he seems to have an endless supply of Bruce, Bowie, Dead, Elton, John Denver, Warren Zevon and always for FAR lower prices than what authentic stuff would sell for. Lots of Life Magazine covers with perfect signatures on them. He must sell tens of thousands of dollars a year of this crap to unsuspecting buyers as his feedback is damn near perfect. Guess they never send in to PSA, JSA, or Roger to be told they've been buying worthless forgeries.   Here's an Eagles fake that he recently sold for only $375 (worth at least 2 grand if real) 

Billy Smith from Florida is well known in the autograph field. I didn't know he was still in business. 


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