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Are JSA & PSA taking longer and longer to do authentications?

Are JSA & PSA taking longer and longer to do authentications?

I have been using JSA as a preferred authentication service for the past few years, but I am noticing they are taking an exorbitantly long time to complete.   For exanple nearly four weeks ago I sent in two three stooges autographs, and the last two weeks I keep getting "they are being worked on".     Monday it will be four weeks since they've had them, so I checked for a status today. And again, same "they are being worked on".   I don't get it?   I use to think PSA got slower and slower , so then they could charge you more to so-call "expedite" the process. 

I have several pieces I need certs for but am really leery abut tying up for several weeks.

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Talk to Erik in FL office  - 


I don't know Erik, I work with Jimmy III, I would send it directly to eithers attention. 

The Florida is MUCH faster for JSA. If you pay for overnight shipping, you could have it back in a couple of days. But the ground return shipping takes a week to make it to me from FL priority mail is so much faster for some reason.

PSA has gotten much slower lately. I'm hearing from some CA collectors that part of the reason is due to Steve's time commitment to Pawn Stars.

I would rather they took their time than just run them through and cert them.  I don't send stuff in anyhow.  So I could not tell you if they are slow or not. 


   One thing you CAN count on is both JSA and PSA do NOT like to admit when they are wrong.   And when they do NOT have the right expertise to authenticate, you can be sure instead of "opting out" they will fail it.  More $$ in their pocket..   With this experience I've lost a bit of faith in JSA..


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