Hello All

I am Pauline from the Marilyn Monroe section and I live in New Zealand.  Because so few people are interested in or collect autographs in this country people get in touch with me with their collections. 

Today I looked through an autograph book from 1992-1993 from a limo driver who drove for the stars visiting NZ, he even has his official tag next to the signing, together with the other people who signed, it's beyond a doubt the autos are real. 

I find I can't post the photos I took, but assuming it is real, what could I tell the seller to expect price wise and also whether he should sell the signatures separately or the whole book?  Other autos are Elton John (with driver's pass and Tour date), John Hurt, Margot Kidder, The Jordannaires, Rod Stewart & Rachel Hunter (when they were a pair), Michael Crawford, Anthony Quinn.

Tags: McCartney, Paul

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Hi from a fellow Kiwi Pauline. 

I've helped a few people sell their collections over the past years and it is tough to value without photos as condition is key. Are the autographs all on separate pages, is there any yellowing or damage? Are any items dedicated and full name signatures or one name only?

Paul McCartney and Elton John go for the highest prices so they would probably be best sold on their own and likely best sold on either eBay or via an overseas auction house. If the seller is willing to have the items sent for authentication then the value will increase significantly again.

Without knowing condition it is hard to give a value so will try to help if you can give further details on condition/ dedications etc.

HI from another Kiwi there is a small group of serious autograph hunters in NZ .I have met in the last 20years . Í got Paul on his last visit outside his Hotel in Auckland 2017 .

Hi Philip & Dan

Nice to know there's another kiwi on here - I had no idea. Lucky you getting Paul's auto in 2017, is it that long ago already? 

The autographs are on separate pages, in perfect condition inside the autograph book. The second, older book has Lucille Ball, Gene Kelly, Michael Wilding, Lana Turner and Paulette Goddard plus lots of local people, as does the modern book, such as Sam Neil.

The Paul one just says Cheers Mate, Paul McCartney and the Elton one - there a personalized dedication to the driver, To Bruce, many thanks for a great week in Auckland, Elton John. Both of these are accompanied by the Driver Tour ID with the Tour name on it. One is stuck to the back of the Margot Kidder autograph, which is also a dedication.

Where do the NZ autograph collectors get together online?


Hi Dan

I have decided to start by putting the Paul McCartney online in NZ at Trademe, referencing all the other ones available. I have spoken to the elderly owner and he is happy for me to do this on his behalf as he is not internet savvy at all.  

Hi Pauline, this looks great and well done to you for doing this. If anyone queries this in the questions and answers I'd send a link to here.

I would be shocked if nobody bid on this and asked on the others although there may be a low ball offer or 2 as is often the case

The Paul McCartney has sold. 

Turns out the Paul McCartney and Elton John ones are kind of stuck together, with the limo driver stubs glued to the back of the Paul McCartney and Margot Kidder inscription and signing is on the back of the Elton John limo driver stud, which is glued to the page! 

At least the Elton and Paul signings are not on the back of eachothers' page, just the limo ID lol 

Not shocked at all, such a good price. Hopefully, the Elton will also sell quickly. Hopefully, the McCartney is going to a good home and the buyer enjoys their purchase.

Quite an inconvenience getting authentication from NZ sending physically to Beckett or somewhere. 

Hi Pauline,

I'm confused by your listing. Is it just for the Elton John autograph or for the whole book(s) (minus Macca). If the Elton limo stub is on the back of the Macca (see your later post) I presume the Elton autograph is selling without the Elton stub.

The auction is just for the Elton one and people can request separate auctions for any others on the list. 

I am a Kiwi autograph collector who has been a member here for many years. A great place to seek expertise and  knowledge about autographs. There are many experienced members here. 

Another one! great - bringing all the kiwis out. So glad I posted. 


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