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Autograph studies, can anyone do them without ever having the exemplars in front of them?

I have seen many autograph studies including the ones I have done myself.  Most of the ones I give kudos to are ones from authenticators that I know have actually held the autographs in front of them and drawn a conclusion.  There was one done recently from some unknown that did a study on Jimi Hendrix that has only had a couple of Hendrix autographs that he owned.  Most of the ones that he used in the study were from ones that were on the internet or catalogs yet he never viewed them in person.  A small address book with many signed pages that I authenticated for Heritage Auctions that sold @ Christies awhile ago is one that comes to mind with little thought.  How could someone like Grant Van Der Sleet or better known as "The Vanderhoven" make such a lengthy study of autographs he never saw in person?  How could he make such claims that he is the end all of Hendrix autographs yet he has rarely seen these rare morsels in front of him.  How could he make such claims having never examined the ink, the smell, the texture of the paper?  Is he really some God that can make such statements through a computer screen or a catalog?  I know I have been called out and sued for supposedly doing the same thing.  Is he held to a higher level then a known handwriting expert?  Other goofs like Steve Koschall have tried to do the same. Any thoughts?

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"According to the Zepster's latest line of reasoning, he himself, should never be able to describe that part of the male anatomy used for reproduction, having never possessed, or held one of his own."

Really Grant Van Der Street is that how you defend your actions.  What are you trying to say with this comment?  Are you saying I'm gay?  If I was; do you have a problem with that?  Was that some kind of anti Semitic slur against homosexuals?  Please explain your accusations o'grand one.


tick tock....the clock is ticking for your answer on the anti semitic slur Grant Van Der Sleet aka as The vanderhoven.  I find it very confusing that a person that claims to be such an expert even though he never has viewed in person many of the autographs that he claims to be real would hide under a fake name name on two sites and use www.hidemyass.com to hide his IP address.  Grant Van Der sleet it didn't take much effort finding out how you hide yourself.  Funny; I have never hid anything about myself; not my name, address or phone number; that's because I have nothing to hide.  Grant Van Der Sleet from NoCal, please answer the question that has been put in front of you and the world.  


Dont sweat him Roger, hes just a worthless coward. their a dime a dozen. Plus its pretty common knowledge that people who resort to small genital jokes, or lack of genital jokes, are the ones who are deficient in those areas themselves. What a looser!



I think you are missing the point.  It's not about small genitals "thats not even what I thought he was talking about with his comments" it's about how he calls out pro's like me about authenticity when he has not even seen the autographs he writes about in person like I have and then swings on my coat tail when that autographs are I say are authentic when I have seen them in person and have said so.  

Travis, why is the only thing you have to say is "thank you Roger" when I have just called out your buddy on a very anti semitic statement by Grant Van Der Streek aka The vanderhoven.

If not Grant then why was my sexuality brought up?  You are treading on very sacred grounds.  

I'd say the ability to have the item in person is a definite advantage. I've returned something once that I bought online because I got it and saw just how slowly it was written.

I'd say you're "picked" on partially because you're a big target and partially because you react with threads like this. I've been to that site a few times and I see just how much they beat up on PSA and JSA and people over here generally. I beat up on PSA and JSA some here when I think they've made dumb mistakes, but at the end of the day, they aren't authenticating Elvis Presley signed items in a pen that didn't exist when he was alive and Lon Chaney Jr. signed items in that very same pen on a large scale like GA/GAI does with their rubber stamp. I'd rather get the businesses that don't try out of business as opposed to flawed businesses that do try. There's value in doing authentication that's mostly right and saves the smart but uneducated buyers some money. The only value in just rubber stamping goes to the forgers. I think it's easy to tell which business is which.

Listen up, you just aren't as smart as an authenticator. You never will be. "Grant Van Der Streek"

strong words from a person that hides his IP address behind www.hidemyass.com

answer the questions I have asked

Mike, it is probably on ANL, which pretends to be an educational site like this, but spends most of its time tearing people and the authenticators apart.

Roger, I agree with what these gentlemen are saying. you are a target because you are a top authenticator, but because you react to their childish cowardly attacks, it keeps them coming.  I know its difficult but if you take a step back and try to ignore them, a lot if this might go away.  For example, the subject of this discussion is authentication, but it is already changed direction.

To answer your question, to be a true authenticator, I believe you definitely need in person exemplars, and depending on the person in question, and if there are several different styles, then you need exemplars to verify all styles.

For amateurs like me, exemplars taken from places like your site, Tracks, Frank Caiazzo, etc serve the purpose, which would be ruling out the really bad ones when I am looking to source a particular signature (for example, I used your site prior to buying a stones album).   But I would not use these types of exemplars for anything other than this. 

Of course its real and thats how he hides his IP address.  I don't make up stuff like that.  These kind of people know all of the tricks to try to deceive the legitimate people in the industry.

You're right though, it sounds so silly that it sounds like I made it up.  I don't think that being professional is part of their agenda though.

Roger....don't waste your time...that guy obviously is just a childish bag of wind....with fabricated stories and stack of BS fairy tale blogs about getting quick opinions from PSA giving out bad opinions on items so they can purchase them for themselves...don't stoop to that level...

I just asked a question to the readers here.  Readers elsewhere decide to talk about male genitalia.  I won't let that kind of stuff bother me any more.  We have some real issues to deal with and this question I asked is one of them.  

Terrier, what you are doing is what you and all other collectors should be doing.  Use these known legit sites to educate yourself in buying authentic material.  Even if you don't buy from me feel free to use my catalog as an exemplar file.  The items up on my site are in my hand and have been looked over and authenticated by me.  Feel safe that what you are viewing are real when you look at my site.

What I don't agree with is how could someone write a study (and I mean anyone not just the Hendrix one) that have not had these signatures in front of them?  What they are really doing is using the work that someone else has done; like looking at these in person, studying them correctly and then putting their name on it.  On one hand they are praising the ones who have done the work but then not giving them any credit.  In fact; they then attack the people who did the work originally.  Then when confronted avoid the questions but spend countless hours looking for grammar errors in anything someone has ever written.  One of these crooks went to a site that I own and went through every single page to find an error.  I am so glad that I have better things to do like be with my family, go to church, do my work, record my music, write songs, travel and spend time with my wife instead of spending countless hours spell checking someone's writing.  

I've said it before that you can tell if an autograph is fake or not from a good scan because if the shape of the signature is not correct there is no need to go any further.  Age of the paper, ink etc are not a factor.  What you can't do is tell if something is real from a scan.  The shape of the signature could be correct but it could be a color copy or a pre-printed photo or one of many other things.  Because of the very small category I chose to study; music, and the fact that I have done this for over 22 years most of the items that I see for sale now I have seen before in person, whether in my catalog or at shows or friends' collections.  


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