I would love some thoughts on this Cary Grant.  I've gone over a lot of known exemplars, and I see a number of things I like, and some things that bother me.  Opinions would be appreciated.

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I am not completely sold on this one. It's has some atypical characteristics and not as rushed as I would like to see.

I agree with Joe.  Not sold on it...but, as alitoseeker says, it's not necessarily a rule out either.   Do you have any idea of when this perhaps may have been signed (say based on other signatures from an album this came from)? 

My best guess would be from the mid-60's to 70's.


That time frame may be a clue.  As I understand, Dyan Cannon sometimes signed for him briefly in that mid.60's period.  I'd expect it more on a photo...but possibly.   

That is a very slow and soft hand and the letters are spaced farther apart than what would seem typical.

That's interesting about Cannon signing for him, and may make some sense as most of the similar exemplars I found were, in fact, on photographs.

I found this piece while I was looking around the net tonight.  It matches up pretty well. It has the larger "C" in Cary that carries over into the "a", but there are a number of strong similarities, particularly in the inscription, with the "J" in John and Jeanne and the "N" in both being very similar.  Whether or not it was Grant, it would seem to me these pieces were possibly signed by the same person. 

This Cary Grant autograph is from the 1940ths 

This is absolutely genuine and from the mid-50's.

It seems to fit the OP pretty well.

Epecially the wide space between "i" and "a" in "Cordially" is convincing to me.

The do have some differences - the "C" here appears connected to the "r" with a free standing "a". This "n" looks like an "m".

Here's one from 1959.   This also matches up nicely:

....Seeing further examples, I'm thinking the OP one is a keeper!


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