First time here, so please forget any gaffes I may inadvertently make. I have a program and dinner menu from the 1981 Deauville Film Festival that is signed to me (first and last name) and dated - from Harrison Ford. That in and of itself is great - but the story behind the autograph makes it so much better. Way back when I was a 7th grader, I was an old movie fanatic, and my best friend was the daughter of classic director Joseph L. Mankiewicz. Mr. Mankiewicz liked me because (unlike most 7th graders) I wanted to sit around talking about George Cukor and Spencer Tracy all the time. He knew that I was wretchedly besotted with Harrison Ford, and after attending the Deauville Film Festival, he surprised me with the signed menu. He told me Ford had approached him and said something like, "I'm a huge fan, Mr. Mankiewicz If you ever decide to make another picture, I hope you'll think of me." To which he replied, "Well, I'll tell you what. If you sign this menu for my daughter's friend, I'll keep you in mind." And that's how I got the autograph! A year later, I managed to meet Ford in person myself, and he signed a second autograph for me. While he was writing, I told him about the menu, and Joe Mankiewicz, and he smiled and said he remembered it very well. So that's my story. My question is, how do you get something like this appraised? I know HF signatures are a bit more scarce than others of his generation. I couldn't sell it, but I do want to insure it. Thanks for reading this - if I'm posting in the wrong place, please let me know where this post should go.

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This is a superb Harrison Ford signature. Value can be subjective and you may want it professionally appraised but I would say it is likely worth $1000 - $1500.

Thanks, Joe W. Very helpful for me to know!

You are welcome. It's a great personal momento to own. 

Outstanding autograph and story.  The Criterion Channel has a special collection of Mr. Mankiewicz's movies this month and I am catching up on them.  Just saw 5 Fingers, Suddenly Last Summer and House of Strangers in the past week!  Would love to have been able to spend time with him and get his autograph! Lucky you Beth Cody!

Thank you so much! In all the time I knew Mr. M I never did think to ask him for his signature. He did, however, give me three 8 x 10 photographs taken during the filming of "The Barefoot Contessa", which I treasure. He also had the original Sarah Siddons Award prop from "All About Eve". He was a legend and a genius.

Very awesome story. You should print your story out and keep it with the autograph so when it’s passed down through time people know it’s story. 

Agree. Type the story up and get your letter notarized and keep it with the menu. It's a fantastic story.

This is a fantastic suggestion! Thank you!


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