Ebay Vandal Strikes Again - Destroyer of Historic Documents

Ebay vandal "patriotsfan10" has struck again.

This ghoul buys historic documents and relics, cuts them up into tiny pieces, and regularly sells them on eBay to idiot souvenir hunters. 

Here's his latest listing:


(The full extent of his crimes can be seen here:)


In that same listing, he proudly crows:

"The handwritten clip is **Guaranteed Authentic** - it was clipped from a letter to the General Assembly completely written by Hancock as Governor of Massachusetts in 1782 (immediately following the Revolutionary War).  We personally cut the handwritten clip from that very document.  The document was purchased from R&R Auction (rrauction.com) and was originally part of the Hancock-Chase collection..." 



May I respectfully suggest that the folks at R&R determine who this scoundrel is and decline to sell him any more historic documents? Hopefully they'll privately "out" him as well... 

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Check THIS out:


Sold by Heritage...


ROBERT E. LEE: TWO POST-WAR AUTOGRAPH LETTERS, ONE SIGNED "R E LEE" Lexington,  Aug. 5 and Sep. 7, 1869, to Fitzhugh Lee.  The signature from the August letter has unfortunately been clipped, resulting in significant loss to the upper section of the manuscript. The remaining content, however, is amazingly informal and regards various Lee Family members and close friends. Among those mentioned are Custis Lee, Mrs. Lee and the General's former aide, Walter Taylor.



I am seriously sick to my stomach.  I remember how upset historians were years ago when Washington Irving's The Life and Voyages of Christopher Columbus was purchased in manuscript form and sold off as separate pages.  That was nothing compared to this insanity.  I understand that people are hiding behind the fact that these manuscripts are their personal property but that argument doesn't excuse a person from setting fire to their house.  Perhaps there is a way to stop this butchery but I doubt it.

It just came to me that one of Washington's biographers, whose name escapes me, sent off excerpts of either one of his inaugural addresses or his farewell speech to admirers. I just can't remember the guy's name. Perhaps one of you can help me out.

It wasn't done for profit - they were sent to those who expressed sincere love for Washington and his works.

I have an auction out right now and am busting a gut keeping up, but when I'm done, I'm going to contact my ex-employee Sandra at Heritage and my close pals Bobby Livingston and Bob Eaton at R&R (who should shave before they do their next film promos ;-) ) and ask them to try to cut this Visigoth off at the knees.

It also just occurred to me that this guy MAY have been mixed up in a battle with Roger Epperson or someone else in some kind of "fake autograph" accusation. I don't get involved in those stupid battles but let people sort them out themselves - but somehow I remember a Patriots fan somewhere. Could I be mistaken? You can always PM me with info. 

Bill, you posted a blog about this butcher back in 2010.  Nothing was mentioned on it about Roger though.


Bill, I had my friend Michael post this story on his website.


That's awesome Christopher.  I told Bill that I will be contacting the New York State Archives with the hope that they will forward the information to people who may be able to put a stop to this butchery.

Thanks, guys...but as long as he owns the document, he can use it as toilet paper if he so chooses. You have to go after the auction houses and ask them to cut him off...

Oh thats plain criminal behaviour, to destroy a historical document like that. And for what? To make more money. I truly hate people like that.

By the way, my comment is for the people who do stuff like that! No one has the right to destroy a part of history like that. Thats my view on things. { sorry for my poor english}.


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