Ebay Vandal Strikes Again - Destroyer of Historic Documents

Ebay vandal "patriotsfan10" has struck again.

This ghoul buys historic documents and relics, cuts them up into tiny pieces, and regularly sells them on eBay to idiot souvenir hunters. 

Here's his latest listing:


(The full extent of his crimes can be seen here:)


In that same listing, he proudly crows:

"The handwritten clip is **Guaranteed Authentic** - it was clipped from a letter to the General Assembly completely written by Hancock as Governor of Massachusetts in 1782 (immediately following the Revolutionary War).  We personally cut the handwritten clip from that very document.  The document was purchased from R&R Auction (rrauction.com) and was originally part of the Hancock-Chase collection..." 



May I respectfully suggest that the folks at R&R determine who this scoundrel is and decline to sell him any more historic documents? Hopefully they'll privately "out" him as well... 

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These cut out documents are pretty disgusting. I don't know how anyone can buy a one of a kind historical document and think, "I could cut this up!"

this is just wrong, why? just why?

if there authentic i dont see what the problem is? isnt cutting a word from a document like any other relic? I don't see what's wrong with it if you own it and decide to piece it out so others can enjoy it at a fraction of the cost.

Can't agree with you, Steven. Imagine taking down the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty, cutting them up, and selling tiny bits as souvenirs. 

Not only that, the documents this moron tears apart may have historic significance - and if not now, maybe later. Who knows. But he rips them up just to make a few bucks from people who want "bright, shiny objects". Cut up Mary Lincoln's dress - please.

The ONLY I could see anyone doing this is if one had only small fragments of a letter, clothing, etc. in which case any historical importance is really insignificant. 

I'd love to know who this guy is...

ok i can see what  you mean if the letters are important i just thought they were notes ect just standered things like noticed a letter written by one of lincons friends i wounder why he would even buy important letters and not just cheaper things

I am with you Steven. I don't care for the practice overall but I am a strong believer in personal property rights. The cutting of valuable items will stop when the profit becomes greater selling the item as a whole rather then as pieces.

Sadly its the only way some can afford something from someone as important as Jh Lincoln and others....

This is disgusting.  What sane person would purchase a cut Andrew Jackson “without” piece?  Insane.

Steven, I also disagree with you.  Donruss shouldn’t be cutting up Babe Ruth bats and Lou Gehrig jerseys any more than this assassin should be cutting up these historic documents.  You make a valid point but I believe that you are on the wrong side of the argument.

Unfortunately Bill you know as well as I do that there are no laws against this butchery.  I don’t even think that RR would be able to ban them from future purchases without having to deal with threats of litigation.  I could be wrong of course.

Correct, Mike - once you own it, it's yours and you can use that Washington for toilet paper if you want. Too bad.

I had one crackpot years ago who used to sleep with old parchment documents, and asked me during a sale what one of the documents "smelled like". He told me how a Lord Fairfax document I sold him excited him so much, he bit the signature right off it. No joke. Off the list he went, tho' he has given me yet another great story for my memoirs, right up there with Gary Zimet and the mummy my imaginary client tried to buy from him. Coming soon to a theater near you.

I was surprised to see that R&R has no clause in their terms allowing them to reject any bid for any reason. It's really standard auction house verbiage meant to protect the house from lunatics, cheats, shill bidders, etc. - it's a good catch-all in general. And not to harp on R&R alone - Heritage and Gil Griggs sold this bum documents, too.

I hope Bob Eaton or my lifelong pal Bobby Livingston out this cretin.

That is unbelievable!!!!


lifelong pal Bobby Livingston now that is funny.\

it is tragic though that some cut up these items in order to make more $$$. 

Can't wait for the vials of sea-water near Neil Armstrong's spread ashes to hit the market.

It's terrible because these are historical documents, things that won't be made and won't be original again, destroyed for the gain of a couple bucks. I'm sure whoever consigned these items never dreamed the new owner would all but put them through a shredder.


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