This looks very suspect and are they also trying to give the impression that Roger Epperson has authenticated it?

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Just send it to Roger and ask him.

Real Authentic is a group out of Singapore. Bogus although I don't think they are pretending to be Roger Epperson. Just pretending to be legitimate!

Ah, OK thanks. I didn't know if they were trying to conflate themselves with Roger Epperson or otherwise. 

Bad "autograph" either way. 

Terrible, terrible, terrible....
Just terrible...
Note even CLOSE 2 the real thing!

I wrote 2 him and said that i'm using the picture in my FAKE signatures album on my FB-page that focuses on REAL signatures.
He replied, that i should make him an offer....
2 funny...

Make him an offer. 1 dollar which is what it's worth!  Several companies use the word "Real" including RM Real (another place that will authenticate anything if paid enough). 

1 dollar is way 2 much.
This pic is worthless... ;-)


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