Whats up collectors...just a quick forum I put together asking if any one sent items in to these leaders of authentication and got denied by an authenticator's mistake from an autograph you have received in person and or an autograph passed down to you that was an item that someone else got singed in person like a father, grandfather, brother etc. ?...Education is key in this industry of autograph collecting and a second opinion is also a great thing to have which also makes your item more valuable in the long run...but did anybody ever have something you know was 100% authentic and had it NOT pass authentication ? I personally never sent anything in to be authenticated that I got in person because I personally don't need a sticker and a piece of paper to prove its authentic all though when it comes down to having to sell something it would be handy to a less educated buyer that DEPENDS on a cert. for piece of mind for a second opinion, were as a more educated buyer would not hesitate to purchase your item because they KNOW what an authentic piece looks like....CERT. or no CERT. PLease post photos of your authentic piece that did not pass if this has ever happened to you...thanks for reading...happy collecting !!!
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Mike Kasmar sez


Unfortunately there's many forgers who will create fake stories about how PSA is failing in-person items as well as claim that PSA gives an open approval to dealers (or themselves) who give them a lot of business.  You can visit my site, there's nearly 2500 items right now on there with PSA authentication and I can tell you with great certainty, I'm given no favors.  These forgers want to see PSA fail because having a company that could point out their 100% forgeries is obviously going to hurt them. 

This is frighteningly true.


There are legitimate gripes against PSA and JSA. They are far from perfect. I get it. However, some of it is definately people seeking to tear PSA/JSA down for their own dark purposes.


There are slugs out there who actively seek to discredit those who promote knowledge and truth.


Over ten years ago when I exposed Neil Armstrong forgeries being regularly sold by a "legitimate" dealer, I was attacked by his cretinous supporters -- all of whom have since faded into the dustbin of scammers past.


When I exposed a Neil Armstrong forgery style that originated from a handful of German dealers, I was called racist by the suspect dealers. The forgery style has since been confirmed and accepted by the community, yet I am still awaiting the apology from the European [so-called] space experts who personally attacked me. Perhaps they are too busy counting the tens of thousands of dollars they made selling these fakes.


When I released my Charlton Heston study there was an immediate coordinated attack of anonymous posters in the comments section of my blog to discredit it. Recall the guy here that showed up with the supposedly in-person Hestons that all had the secretarial "Chall." He either mis-remembered or was deliberately planting misinformation to discredit. You decide.


Looks at what these cowardly worms say about TomTreesh2 videos on YouTube.


Operation Bullpen author Kevin Nelson writes about the "monsters behind the door" -- the Internet attacks on him -- in this article.


Make no mistake, there are some real bad people with no ethics and who don't fight fair. If you are going to make a stand, understand that you are costing bad people money, and they will do what they can to drag you through the mud to intimidate you.

YES SIR...Iam just trying to help others...that's all i can TRY to do...I don't think I would have known myself  how bad things really were until I read Operation Bullpen because of the Tresh videos...it truly opened my eyes and because of his videos it inspired me to have a voice on this never ending battle of collectors in the know and the forgers pumping them into the garbage into the market...as far as intimidation and mud dragging I don't quite let up so easily

Had a Bill Clinton autograph that was signed here in charlotte for me before he became president and also a Jimmy Buffett album that was signed for me. Took both to a show that JSA was authenticating at and they failed both at a price of almost $100.00 but somehow I still say that JSA is the best authentication out there....go figure

Have an Obama baseball signed in SC during the primaries. didnt pass. kind of upset me actually


Welcome! Glad you joined us. Why don't you upload your Obama? It's always interesting to see if a can figure out why it didn't pass.

ill add another clear photo when i get home and can use my better camera.


anyhow hand signed in person in SC during primaries. PSA/DNA denied!

thats unfortunate, thanks.

I look forward to seeing a large crisp photo or two. I'm looking at this on my phone, so not the ideal way to view it, but unless the shakiness is much more evident on a computer, this is in the range of believability to me for a baseball. Obama can be tough tho. When did your send it to PSA?

Here you go Steve, better pics. Received back from PSA yesterday.



Thanks for the great pics. I'm not an expert, so PSA/DNA and others who see lots of Obama autographs are often better judges than me, but I don't see many signs of slow-signing. In fact, it's signed at least as quickly as the baseball in our January 2009 Obama issue. They look significantly different, but I believe you--I think it's in the realm of reason that Obama signed it for you. But PSA, JSA and other authenticators know much more than me and feel there isn't enough to support its authenticity.


I misspoke. PSA/DNA, JSA and others who probably know much more then me may feel there isn't enough support for its authenticity. I think it's good though.


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