I have a Morrison autograph. Bought it 10 years ago. Anybody have any opinions about the authenticity of it?

I have compared it to known signatures on Doors stationary, checks, and Christies auctioned signatures and it matches up all the way down to the age of paper and ink. The paper looks 40 years old. Ball point pen. Would love to have someone authenticate it or give me a value of it. Thanks.

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Any opinions on this one?
Signature looks clean with some consistencies of real examples, but so many forgeries made to look period on a piece of paper for example, make it difficult to determine even real ones...
Anything specific to look for in forgeries and authentic examples?

I saw this one on eBay, and in my opinion it definitely is not authentic.

Not real at all!

Hi all, I came across two 'full band' signed LP's today for $150 each at a garage sale.  I read through the twelve pages here, and made some comparisons, but I'd love for some folks here to take a gander at these two Morrison 'signatures.'  To me these look a little too slick and smooth, and specifically too compressed of and 'M,' too much flourish to the 'O,' too boxy of an 'RR,' and too curved of an 'S.'  That said, I expect these to be confirmed as fully authentic [kidding!].  Here's a link to a flickr set with more of the band 'autographs' and such.  Thanks for looking! [Edited to add: Not much story given, just that she was 'in talks to get them authenticated' and they were in her grandmother's basement and believes an uncle got them 'at a show']


Sorry, but I agree with your assessment of the Jim signatures. Neither of these is authentic in my opinion.

Thanks very much for taking the time, Ballroom.  I'm fortunate to have such a resource to avoid either buying a fake or having to stress about passing up some amazing deal.

No problem. I've never seen an authentic Jim signature on the front cover of an LP. The only one I've seen on an LP was on the inside gatefold of "Morrison Hotel."

Those look like they were signed last week. If real, they would be some of the best and brightest signatures ever signed by the group.

Another thing that gets me is the silver ink, but only on one.  "Gee, thanks for the autographs, guys...Now do 'em again in SILVER!"

I would be very suspicious about the silver Sharpie as well.

This is not real I'm afraid...


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