What do you think of my Joe DiMaggio pic?  I've had it for a long time and it has a COA from a guy called Nickolas R. Burezyk (or something like that). 

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Destroy it.

I did a google search... ouch. 

We've done dozens of threads on Nicholas Burczyk.


The mantles are both authenticated from Stat and a google search reveals problems with stat and the two people on the COA. 

Stat Authentic/TTA is Ted Taylor.

He is also on Ebay's Banned COA List.

He used to be Coach's Corner Auctions primary "authenticator (of forgeries)."

When the "Florida" forgeries first began showing up over at AtAuction.com, AAFES, etc. , John House, CEO of AtAuction used TTA, Chris Morales and Drew Max.

Well.. thanks for the help.  If I can break away from work this week I'll bring them into JAG and see if anything comes of it.  Seems AAFES owes a lot of people a lot of money. 

That's an understatement, Matthew.

They've been selling forgeries for over five years.

I really hope you can get something done.

The below link will show all of the forgeries they have listed right now.


Selling forgeries to our military heroes, just sickening and disgusting!

Just to update things... I went to JAG and AAFES actually cut ties with the company back in 2013 after numerous complains.  The current website is made to appear affiliated but actually has nothing to do with AAFES (anymore). 

They said I could try to make a claim with them but I don't think it's worth the effort. I guess I need to find some real DiMaggio's and Mantle autograph. 

They should be shot by firing squad for ripping off so many servicemen. It's a fantastically grotesque scam which has endured the test of time. So many unsuspecting boobs take advantage of people who are not that bright and don't care how they spend their money.

AAFES is an association which has preyed on Military Men & women for years and are DISGUSTING HUMAN BEINGS for doing so. Nicolas Birdsack, Christopher Moraless, Drew Maxipad and The A** Clowns at Stat Unauthentic are complete sellout rubber stamping nincompoop rip off artists of the highest order of which there is NO DISPUTE, IMHO  



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