Can anyone help me or let me know if this Kristen Stewart 

Autograph off eBay is legit/or the seller?

Im completely new to this & looking to get this as a gift if 

it’s legit.

any help on this one or pointing me to one on eBay that looks 100% legit would be great.

thanks a lot for any help I can get 

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It has photos of her with the photo but the signature itself is impossible to say. I realise it's authenticated but signing just her initials is not a great example of the signature. It's likely genuine but I'm sure there must be better examples of her signature. 

Thanks, here are two more I found...

Her sig on the ones that look as close as legit that I can find with photos etc kinda just look like scribbled initials. Obviously the best way is to get one yourself in person, but I simply have no way of doing that.

Good work. She seems to have become so lazy with her signature but I guess she gets a bit tired of it compared to when she was a few years younger. 

Her letters signature is easy to forge and I have doubts on the GA certified one you posted a link to but this one you posted with the ACOA looks fine -

Unless you are desperate to buy you might want to bid up to the buy now and see what happens as I imagine you'll get it for either the start price or certainly less than the buy now.

Good luck and hopefully your friend enjoys!



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