Here i have a very personal item of Bob Dylans a Landing Card when he arrived in thg uk for his 2005 uk tour this was an inter country card ie Dylan moving around in the uk, ans was on his private jet, therew has been speculation on this as being a goverment document NOT SO !! this was Dylan moving around the uk by private aircraft i have had this on ebay etc and it has never been taken down it is ligit to own this the card has all the personal info on it filled out by Dylan himself take a look notice he signs Robert Dylan making the card more desirable i want to sell this to a true collector of Dylan signatures as i feeel it belongs in a private collection ask for price if you are interested


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Hello Robert,

It seems i have seen this before, possibly on this site, but i cant remember. I remember i was impressed with the item but i thought i heard that it wouldnt be kosher to sell b/c of the governmental nature. That may have been untrue, i personally have no clue and just heard it through hearsay. I have a good friend whos looking for a dylan and if this was just a rumor or something i definetly will point him to your card as it looks really cool. 



Hey man, can I ask a few questions of you first?

(1) Can you tell me how you ended up with such an item in your possession ?

(2) Have you always had this item in your possession.

(3) How much would you be asking for it ?


Hi Frankie   1) No

                   2) I bought it from a person who outbid me on ebay, i then after some time sold it to US based Chas Lematare who sadly passed last year, he sold the card back to me twice in a series of deals that i had with him i have emails to prove this the card has been away from me to Chas twice over seven years, before he passed he returned it to me in another deal that we had between us

                   3) Due to the rareity of this item 3200 secures it

Frankie i hope this answers your concerns? if not keep asking 







You want me to let you know if I think Dylan signed this card? No i dont...he doesnt bother to fill ourt 'cards" he doersnt carry ID or money with him..walks around emptyh pens. COULD he have signed this..SURE---signature is a POSSIBLE real Dylan...but there is no eye witness he filled ut out (Signed, sworn notarized statement---if I were you---ask DYLAN himself---good luck getting to him though lol....I am not stating this is NOt real--I am stating what is the peovenance other than saomeone SAYS he signed it?> letter of proof> signed statement? PSA approval? proof photos? I nbet nothing but someone;s word--show it toDYLAn..he says 'yeah i signed it' then price triples.

Sir thank you for your thoughts!!!! the card came with s signed letter from the officer that obtained it which was sent to Chas Lemataire by me but it was not returned as chas has passsed since, Your thoughts are odd as if you know Dylans hand writing as i do and as Roger Epperson does one would know this document has neeen filled out by Dylan,

FACT Roger Epperson has seen this card and as stated that it is ligit i have proof of that 9and he is the BEST) FACT i sold this to top Dylan collector Chas Lemataire (would  he have bought it if not kosher NO !!!!!! ) FACT i sold this on ebay to a lady who would not buy it unless Roger passed it Roger gave her the thums up

FACT many top Dylan coleecters have looked at it and NONE have came up with what you suggest while you are intitled to your opinion you are grossly wrong but thanks anyway for your thougths the card has been with me on and off for seven years twice going to Dylan expert Chas Lematire so i know that it is good plus as i said and there will be many Dylan people out there anyone who knows a smidgen on Dylan will tell you for sure this IS HIS HAND WRITTING floor open!!!!!! 

PS  PSA/DNA RR AUCTIONS looked at card and gave it the thumbs up but was scared to take it on again i have emails to prove this

So the answer is PSA gave it thumbs up--then you have a PSA assigned HOLOGRAM number for the item?  if they  refused to take it and so did R&R auctions --why would they be afraid to take it. I do not have any idea who Chas Lematire is..if you didnt see this card signed---you have your experts and their opinions or verbal statement.

 --i have doubts---looks like the same doubts as PSA and R&R "too scared to take it": so I gave an opinion that matches theirs. -so I am not too far off the opinion of those top spo called (Yes they make mistakes) experts. .


I understand "Robert Zimmerman's" frustration with you over this situation because I believe the card to be authentic as well. The late Charles Lematire was indeed a great collector of authentic Dylan material and bought some of the finest items out there. 

RR Auction does have a conservative policy when accepting post 9/11 government forms of any type that are entering the public domain.


RR Auction

David- If they buy it or take it on it's only a headache.  I say just hold it in your collection.  If you like it well enough then it wouldn't matter.

whats with your attitude towards the card you are clearly making yourself look very foolish with due respect, again ask Roger Eppeson !! Dylan authentic items do not need coas and everyone bar you sir says they love the card

i sent it to RR for auction but they felt it may be taken down due to legal reasons they confirmed it authenticity i DID NOT ASK THEM FOR A COA why would i the catd is real

again look what other members are writing about your comments once again go to the  beast Roger Epperson he will confirm this and alay your worries


I am staying out of further discussion on the :landing Card ..if Roger epp says Dylan signed it--then there is a 99+% or more chance dylan signed it. You did not make it clear the reason why R&R declined...if you had said originally 'nothing to do with authenticity but they had issues with the legal aspects of the document (security issues) would have ended any question. I never said Dylan did not sign this, but this is a form of his signature I have never seen in any other example.

David its good that you are staying clear of this as it is pretty evident that you know nothing on authentic Dylan items and even LESS on his hand writting as i said before YOU are the only one EVER in some twenty or more including top experts who has seen this lovely rare item tried to diss it sorry on the confusion with RR !!!! enough said sir but thank you for your input it was very interesting


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