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Thank you, President Biden, for your 52 Years of Service to all Americans.

On August 3,1980 I attended a wedding in NY and was told by someone I met that John Lennon walks by the corner of 72nd and Central Park West every Monday at noon when he's in NY. The next morning, a Monday, I bought the Imagine album and stood on the corner with a friend at 11:45. No John. At 1:45, the friend left. Finally, at 3:45 I saw John approaching with an elderly man. My hands began to shake, and when I asked John to sign the album, he asked me how long I'd been waiting. I said four hours and he replied, "Then I'll have to sign, won't I?". He had the beginnings of a new beard and signed his name as a mustache, then scribbled in a beard and said, "That's more like it now, wouldn't you say?". I thought I would pass out from the heat and from being in the presence of half of the greatest song writing team that ever lived.

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Thanks for sharing, Ben.  Great story.

Jealous, I was born in 83...So I am sad I never had the chance to see John Lennon. 

Awesome story, thanks for sharing!

Lennon lives

Great story...and great autograph, too! 

Thank you, gentlemen, for your kind reception to my story. I am now nearly 60 years old, and still smile when I think about that moment. I only have two regrets: My friend that left (he's kicking himself to this day for doing so) was holding my Kodak Instamatic so I could not take a picture, and I never saw the woman again who told me where to wait for John, so I never thanked her. I also wonder who the very well dressed elderly man was. I sensed that John was very respectful of him.
Are you selling the album?
No, sorry, Paul. I cherish this, and even if I didn't, my wife and kids would kill me if I sold it.
Did you ever see him play in nyc?
Unfortunately, no. Paul is the only Beatle I've seen perform live.


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