eBay seller rivahgirl picked up some junk Mantle forgeries at an auction thinking she found the diamond in the rough, unfortunately she picked up some turds in the rough, and is looking to flip them on eBay for profit.

Here are 3 horrific Mantle forgeries listed by eBay seller rivahgirl , all of these ending in 8 hours.


GAI forgeries:


Love the "blurred" photos these sellers have on AUTOGRAPHS, something that is VERY IMPORTANT TO SEE.


Another eBay seller who knows NOTHING about autographs going to a local auction and buying junk fakes to flip on eBay for profit while eBay sits back and does NOTHING. Four out of Five of the top 5 "Best Matches" for "Mickey Mantle Autograph" are FORGERIES. eBay PROMOTES FORGERIES. Sickening.

Tags: GAI, Mantle, eBay, forgeries, rivahgirl

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Look idiot, I am a grandmother, you can check my Facebook and Ebay and I am 72 years old, born August 19 1941, add it up. What gives you the right to call me a liar and a crook.  I am not and I will defend this forever. And Janet was trying to help and she made it worse, so I asked her to cease and desist from this forum.

What gives me the right to call you a liar and a crook?

Well your selling forgeries online............that equals fraud, which is a criminal offense, sense you now know they are forgeries, and have known it for a while (ebay already took your items down once before, and they send you a reason telling you why/authenticity). And those who commit criminal offense are known as crooks.

You and your cohort Janet have lied about dozens of things so far........thus a liar

Do you understand now?

I guess i should apologize, you may be one of those tech savy hip grandmas. So maybe i was wrong about the age, lol. But you still are obviously trying to use your age to detract from the forgeries.

The best way for you to bow out is to burn the forgeries and stay out of listing autographs until you know what your listing is authentic. Its really that simple

I did not know they were forgeries when I listed tem, the second time Ebay told me to relist them again with different wording, so I did, even then I did not know they were forgeries, I do now and they have been destroyed.

Janet was trying to be a good friend, she was wrong and I was wrong for letting her go online for me.  I shoud have said NO.

You know whats also interesting Janet/Patricia. Yesterday i left a post telling how you might be able to salvage some of your credibility by admitting these are forgeries, taking them down, apologizing, etc. And that in some cases the title of thread was changed to reflect if an ebay seller honestly didnt know about the forgeries. Then low and behold you show up today, now posting under the name Pat, and using your age as an excuse to try and take some of the blame from you.

Unfortunately its just making you look worse. I can assure you that no apologies will be issued, and no thread edited. And by doing what youve done, you have now made things 100 times worse for yourself.

I should also add that i highly highly doubt you are in your 70s, as i feel confident thats a lie too. 73 year old grandmothers typically dont have a computer in there house, let alone are on ebay worried about there seller ratings and selling forgeries.

I have been using a computer since they first came out, maybe longer than you have and I used to teach computers to other people.  I may not seem like a grandmother, but I am and I am 72, although I hate to admit I am that old.  And 72 is not that old anymore, the new 50s.  I graduated high school in 1959 and got married in 1960, have children and grandchildren.  So There. Maybe I need to post my birth certificate, unlike some other people I know in higher places.

Hi Pat/Patricia,

Thank you for coming in and pointing out who is who.  I knew Janet either was a name you were using as an alias (or a friend of yours)--you guys sort of goofed up by listing Janet up in NY but her IP Location showed up right next to yours in FL.  (Computers give these things away sometimes) 

And there is no reason to use an excuse (I'm a woman-your picking on me "card").... it doesn't matter.  This forum is not biased.  If its a forgery the guys here will call it out, no matter race, religion, political stance, or male/female.   She also lied saying she didn't know you at all, which was another oops.

Where did you end up picking up these items, do you remember by chance??  Seems somewhere along the way you picked up some bad ones.  And it happens to everyone trust us.  Just curious the story behind the pieces.


Janet is from New York but is a snowbird and lives in Florida in the winter.

My husband has been trying to find out he person who owned these and gave them up for auction but the auctioneer will not tell us.  He has reported him to the auctioneer board in Florida, so maybe we will find out soon.

Thank you for believeing me, you seem to be a nice person and I am telling the truth, I should have come on here ast night with this information butI  was so flabbergasted about what was going on, I did not know what to do, I had to sleep on it to figure out my recourse and decided it best to come on here myself.  I really do wish you would edit the thread .I have done everything I can to make you believe me.  What else can I do here. If you check my Ebay Feedback you will see I am an honest person.

Ahh, as i expected. You read my comment yesterday about how you could possibly salvage some of your reputation. You saw the part about the possibility of a thread edit. lol. While im not a moderator, i dont think you will have any luck getting the thread edited. As i stated before, i think you came here after reading what i wrote, had your husband come on here, made up a story about "Janet", used your age as a defense, all in an attempt to get the thread taken down or edited.

Well what we can do is leave this forum open here for now, and if you wouldn't mind - coming back on later and letting us know the outcome and if you found the person who put them to auction or estate sale  You got burnt - and as I mentioned - it does happen to others - a lot.  But feel free to let us know how things go on your end and if your able to get a refund.  In this thread is a link where you can submit your items for a quick opinion (doesn't cost too much) they'll be able to let you know they are forgeries so you have that paperwork in hand as well - to show the auctioneer to demand a refund.  This is where I would start.


Thanks, you seem to be the nicest person on this thread, not like that Ryan guy.  He must have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed, everyday. 

As I stated before I did not know they were forgeries and not until I heard about this thread from an Ebay friend did I know. Ebay did not tell me they were forgeries, just to take them down because they were listed wrong. I did not know what that meant.  This is the first time I have listed autographs on Ebay and it will be the last time for sure.

The auctioneer used to be a friend of my husband but now he won't even answer his emails.  I am sure he knew what they were before he auctioned them.  We are following through.  It is not the money that I am worried about, it is my good name.  I can replace the money, but not my name.

what was the name/location of the auction? Where and when did it take place?  Since he "used" to be friends with your husband that should not be to difficult to do.. since the friendship is apparently over now anyway.

Here in Florida sabout 2 months ago, but until we hear from the auction board I do not want to give out his name.


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