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Hey! I need your help. I found this and i want to buy it, but i'm not sure if it is the real MS signature or a fake one. Is really cheap and i only have one day to buy it, so i need your help. Thanks!

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This is a picture of my signed Out of Time CD that I got signed in person by the whole band in 1995. I have been able to get Michael to sign twice for me, but also been turned down 5 times. So I know how hard it is to get him.

Nice one Bjarne

guess this proves it ? this seller is a faker

This is the signed kiss photo that Joey have for sale right now.


And this is the original auction where he bought the photo from a month ago.



You know, i bet Joey Myers is now kicking himself in the butt for ever coming on this site to throw his 13 year old tantrum. Im sure he thought the people here wouldnt go after him...big mistake. His identity and ebay accounts and his forgeries are all being brought into the light and its fairly humorous. I hope he comes back on here and tries to deny what everyone has found out. Hopefully we can get this guy shut down so that ebay will make him refund every sale he has made. And now that hsi name and items have been exposed on here, past buyers, and potential buyers will find him. As his name will now come up in any google search and the buyers can read the truth.

Great catch Bjarne and Dexter. I think you are right Dexter, i bet you that that is one of his other accounts. I highly doubt that Joey Myers is buying these forgeries. Either way hes obviously lying, but i think hes directly involved. And im sure that Kiss pass will be used in a future auction.

I wonder if people should start contacting his past buyers and directing them to this site? 

The free ride of passing these forgeries is now over Joey. Your forgeries are now known and will be looked for.

Lol this clown got owned by we the AML people! 


You know i think something else might be going on here. Thanks to the link Bjarne posted, we can see where one of the forgeries that Joey Myers is selling originated from. At first i thought that this was also Myers's screen name and that he was shill bidding like Dexter said. But after looking over this guys past feedback, which isnt private, it looks as if the only autographed item he has sold is the one that Joey Myers purchased. If this was Myers shill bidding, i would think he would have more autograph sales in his history, and the feedback would prob be private again.

But it doesnt make sense b/c the forgeries Myers is selling are all from the same person, thats pretty obvious. And im pretty sure that Myers isnt buying these forgeries for resale. So how did this other seller get his hands on the exact type of forgery that Myers is selling. I guess he could have bought it from the forger that Myers uses, but then why would Myers turn around and buy it back. It just doesnt make sense.

That is unless that both accounts are indeed Joey Myers. And that Joey Myers isnt his real name at all. When Dexter researched this guy he couldnt find much at all on him. A generic email with a registered account that turned up to be bogus. A job that turned out to be bogus, and references and a myspace page that turned out bogus. All the sites set up in the joey Myers name either lead to nothing or are easily made in order to fool people into thinking this guy was really something in the music industry. And then we have a bunch of proof photos that span the course of decades and show some random guy that could be anyone.

As i looked at the user names for the seller who "sold" Joey Myers that Kiss forgery that Bjarne pointed out, i found two names. His past ebay name was jeffreyalan0732, and then he switched his name on Jan 17th too jalanindustries. So im guessing this guy's name is Jeffrey Alan, possibly owning a company called Jeffrey Alan Industries??? Although i could find no record of that online.

Dexter pointed out that both guys are located in Texas also. It just doesnt make sense of how jeff Alan would be able to sell Joey Myers a kiss forgery, that is the exact same style of forgery that Myers is selling. Youd think it would be the other way around. If these forgeries were being pumped out to many dealers i could understand, but it seems they are all originating from Joey Myers. So i just dont see why Jeff Alan would sell Joey Myers one of his own forgeries. Or could it be that Jeff Alan is actually the real name of Joey Myers and that Myers set up the whole "Joey Myers" fasad to keep his real name out of it. All of Joey Myers accounts are dubious at best, with no real substance or proof that he is who he says he is.

Maybe someone who has purchased from Joey Myers will come here and post the address that they received their items from. That way we could see who they are coming from. Now i may be reading way too much into things, but stopping forgeries deserves the best effort possible and i like trying to sniff out forgeries. So i may be completely wrong about the whole Joey Myers/ Jeff Alan connection. I just cant find another explanation for Joey Myers purchasing one of his own forgery styels from some random guy. All Joeys autograph auctions are penned by the same distinct forger. I suppose its possible that Joey is real and hes purchasing these forged items from some seller, and J Allan purchase some from this seller as well, but that seems unlikely. Why then would Myers then buy the same forgery style that he sells from some other random ebayer?

Not only that but the whole Joey Myers name seems unlikely. All his accounts seem like they are shady, and he tells us to call him etc, yet never gives a phone number, just an email address, which Dexter already found registers to more shadyness. lol.

Am i reading too much into this, what are your thoughts?


I actually am  HUGE  collector  of  passes...so nope  this  one  stays in my collection  :)

You guys are Entertaining...I LOVE IT!

Excellent catch Dexter. I think you are absolutely right. I think they both are the same person, and the riabean name is used primarily for forgeries. And he went through the subterfuge of creating his fake job, myspace etc to add credence to his story. He just couldnt resist selling that Kiss forgery though under the j alan name. Hopefully we can get this guy shut down. And since he is undoubtedly reading this blog, he should be aware that when ebay realizes what is going on, not only will they pull your auctions, but you will have to refund your past sells. So i hope you have alot of spare money laying around at home to refund all of your buyers.

And i agree to Dexter about the Riabean account being his child, under his ebay world page he pretty much states that. But how disgusting is it to use your child in any way to sell forgeries??? Thats just disgusting. Another good question at this point is, who is the guy that Riabean keeps posting pictures of???  There is a very good chance it isnt him at all. It seems he might just have access to pictures of someone. If you look at alot of his auctions, the proof pics are not near always him. Sometimes they are young people, sometimes old, and some of them look like they were taken back in the early eighties. And they dont show "Joey" but instead some other person.

I think we have uncovered a minor league seller of forgeries who is making a steady supplemental income off of this crap. Hopefully we can get him shut down.

keep at it guys...I am happy you have nothing better to do, but by all means  please  keep up the good work...I wish you all the best  :)                 LOVE JOEY    xoxoxox


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