We now have a Musician-Direct Autograph Sales Forum where you can post individual discussions of new offerings. It's a big change—and a big improvement. We closed this discussion after 8 years but it will always be available to read. 

The new system has been in place for 2 months now and it's working well.

This video shows you how easy the new forum is to use.

You can follow the forum and be notified of new signings exclusively! And you can enter a musician's name in the forum's search box and find any discussions about them.

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Try it...I think you'll like it.

Steve Cyrkin


Though I recall a member posting a blog asking about this a while ago, I could not relocate it for my purpose in this discussion.

It can be nice when one stumbles upon a musician's shop (via their website), to see that they are selling their autographs. I figured this could grow as a wee database for listing those musicians who partake in this.

I recently recieved a couple press photos signed in ballpoint from John Mayall's website (http://www.johnmayall.com/merch.html). I am also aware that you can purchase signed CDs from Peter Noone of Herman's Hermits(http://peternoone.com/store/). John 5 ( formerly Marilyn Manson, Rob Zombie guitarist) sells various items signed, with an option to dedicate.


So, does anyone else know of this being done by other musicians?

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hell, you could be nearly as pissed off as me..... 2 x separate orders arrived unsigned yearday..... alan parsons and Ice Cube.... and Johnny Lloyd Today!!!!!!!

And that applies directly to this thread. I'm sure anyone who ordered those (or planned to if they're still available) would want to know this to know what to expect. If this was posted in a different thread I probably wouldn't have seen it since I dont scour the forum daily. 

Don't advertise ,find your own items and dont complain.

Replacement Ice Cube posters came yesterday.....signed....

We apparently have two different camps here: People who want separate threads for issues beyond the alerts and basic follow ups, and people who want everything contained within this thread. My general preference has been for the latter. But given the extent of the issues with certain pre-orders, I figured yesterday that maybe one sub-thread would be warranted. 

If that's not wanted or useful, that's fine. But with that, let's move on. The tangent this thread has gone off on is what I believe everyone can agree we all don't want.


Further apologies if my own initial response was unhelpfully blunt and admittedly angry. The last thing I wanted to see here was back and forth fighting.

If anyone has any suggestions for how to best improve this thread, feel free to DM me. Again, keep in mind the limitations of the forum and its setup - and that not everyone has the same opinions and preferences.

This is a discussion board, not a notification board. The discussion around the authenticity of items and sellers posted here is just as important as the deals themselves. Forgeries, autopens and shady dealers have all been stamped out because of this thread, without discussion around the items, people wouldn't know what they actually bought. If you don't like it, simply unsubscribe.


This was originally started to show who is selling signed stuff. There isn't an issue with people discussing things, but I prefer to only see when items are available. If John and Dick didn't sign your poster it doesn't really matter to me, because i didnt buy it, and I don't really want 9 emails throughout the day telling me. I've missed out on things in here because I get tired of always checking. It used to be exciting seeing what new things were on sale.

Im pretty sure there’s no putting the worms back in the can fellas. Those golden days of strictly notifications are gone - clearly other folks want to keep any/all related discussions here (myself included).

It aint right, it aint wrong, it just is.

Figure it out, but for Gods sake, let it go man!!

Nothing wrong about that. I was just complaining about this stupied "i ordered one too" or "thanks mate" posts. Who cares who bought what. If you feel thankfull pm the original poster. And yes I just got angry getting told by people who are on here for six weeks to either shut up or unsubscripe. Apology for that. And now all lets move on we have two threads and will see if it will work out for both parties

Worth noting that Kate Nash and Lewis Capaldi have been added to the Banquet Records lineup for later this month. Again, no guarantee that signed products will be offered following their appearances, though I'd almost expect it given recent trends.


Also of note - the "UK only" designation has been removed from Banquet's order screen for the Sigrid signed CDs. https://www.banquetrecords.com/sigrid/sucker-punch/7726644


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