NEED YOUR HELP PLEASE.!!!!!!I believe that the bank wrongfully foreclosed and evicted us.

Hello everybody. 

I need to know your opinion if this 2 sets of signatures were traced or copied and pasted with Photoshop.

I am not an expert, but this is very important as could mean that a bank used Fraud upon the Court to steal our property. I need you guys to compare each signature, individually, and the printed name, the same way.

I cannot afford to pay a forensic document examiner. I also have close ups of the supposedly" WET INK", original signatures. I think that they are a laser color copy. The blue ink, when intersects the black line underneath, looks like the black is on top. The photos here are huge, you will need to slide the rulers up or down,  Please help me guys. 

Thank you 1

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Would you please restate what you wish done here? Please tell us which you think is what. Are you saying you fear these are all fake? Can you make flat on high res scans? Although large, your images are fuzzy and I can not read the surfaces.


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