Last price update was March 29 2021:

Prices have pretty much stayed the same for now. My suggestion for those considering selling their pieces is still to wait if interested in a good profit. Especially for when (God forbid) any other member goes up to the big gig in the sky. Value will jack up. For now, current value is updated under "quick guide" below.

**Due to the Coronavirus putting folks out of work, the last few items I've seen sold since the outbreak have been sold undervalue. Up to the point of massive layoffs and furloughs, prices have stayed within the range listed below. Because of this, I believe the dip in value to be temporary. If considering selling a Queen related item, I suggest holding off until the world's economy is back on track. In a year's time I do expect prices to be back as they had been. People don't seem to be buying or selling right now, and this low period is to be expected with the current state of events.**

Fred: Alone and on paper (the most basic of autographs) are currently valued at $900-$1,200 for any that arent from the last year of his life. 1991 is valued higher at around around $1,200-1,500. On albums, posters and photos, take those numbers and add 5 to 700 more to each item. Now the living members: John seems to stay around $75-120 for paper and another 50-75 for albums, posters and photos. Roger: about the same, usually a bit less for the same items. Same goes for brian. They sign daily. Multiple times a day. They arent rare. Now for the whole band: a fully signed paper can range from $2.5 to 3K depending on the quality ect. Fully signed albums, poster and photos are now averaging at about 3.5 to 4.5K USD. Innuendo and Mircale items going for more. 4.5K to 6K depending on the item (taking into account a more realistic figure for those 6 and 7K innunedo posters).

Quick guide:

Freddie Mercury (individually):

  • 1970s to 1988 on paper and alone= $900-$1,200 USD.
  • Earlier signatures (from his time in college or boarding school) would be double that.
  • 1989-1991 on paper= $1,200 to 1,500 USD.
  • Posters, albums, and photos= take the average price per year on paper and add another 500-700.

John Deacon (individually): John is retired but does indeed still sign both TTM and in person.

  • Paper= $75-120.
  • Posters, albums and photos, add another 50-75 USD. 

Roger Taylor (individually):

  • paper= $30 to 65.
  • Posters, photos and albums= $55 to 100

Brian May (individually): same a Roger. 

Fully signed items:

  • Paper= 2.5K to 3K USD.
  • Albums, posters and photos= 3.5K to 4.5K USD. 
  • Innunedo and Mircale items (being the last pieces Freddie was around to sign while also not attending promo functions or public events)= 4.5K to 6K [taking taking into account a more realistic figure for those 6 and 7K innunedo posters]

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Replies to This Discussion

This is awesome information, it is very well written, tell her thanks from the forum :)

This is a perfect example of fans/fan collectors having the most current and best information. 

If I ever had a need for a Queen item - you and your friends would be who I would turn to (all day).

Thanks for doing what you do for the forum David!


Thanks for that, W! Very kind of you to say. 

I'm sure she'll be thrilled to know its helping others on another site

Great informative post, thanks Innuendo!

Thank you my friend

quite agree wascher!!

Thanks michelle, it's always a pleasure to speak with you 

This is excellent!  Thank you. 

Thanks, CR glad it could be of some help

I have to add one question - how about fully signed items without Freddie? I mean what about all three surviving members on stuff which was released after 91?

Items signed by the 3 remaining members are valued at about 125 to 150 USD for paper and (unless it's a really rare item) all other signed albums, poster and pics would be worth 200 to 250 USD. People love to ask a ton for those but they rarely move at higher prices.

Thank you for that great list, Innuendo!

I own a Christmas Card, fully signed, you can see it in my album-fotos.

In which category you sort that, Paper or Albums/Posters/Photos?

Saw it. Awesome :)


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