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Garry King is well liked by some but I see a big problem with some of the items I see on his site.  I'm not referring to Kenny Baker and other small bits but rather the large $$ music items.

Dealers in the UK might not be aware of current music item that they offer for sale.  In another thread several autographs from Autografica were deemed fake.  The items were Clint Eastwood, Charlton Heston and Harrison Ford.

He might not know there is a problem. 

Tags: Charlton, Clint, Eastwood, Ford, Garry, Harrison, Heath, King, Ledger, Philippe, More…Ryan, heston

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Is this thread still going? It's the War and Peace of message boards. Good grief.

Four more years - Four more years !  Then if we're lucky like your elections we will have an answer ? I am an AFTAL member and you guys know more than I do about what is going on they are telling us nothing - just the ' mole '. Like Mr Zipper who seems to be losing interest in all this I can't believe that everyone is getting so excited and impatient to hear what ? I certainly haven't got a clue. It wasn't that many weeks ago that I was being being put forward as a prospective Board member but I maintained my stance that I would never sit on a Board that wasn't elected by its members, and AFTAL isn't. It doesn't provide an annual statement of Accounts - unless you ask for one and from personal experience that isn't easy. I do however agree with Jason that the main body of the Membership joined for all the right reasons and have one collective goal which is to weed out the fakers and cleanse Inventories by working together. None of the AFTAL Board members receive a wage and give of their time for ' expenses ' which certainly don't cover the hours they put in. But like MI5 they are so damn secretive that the membership don't really know what they are doing and I feel they owe it to all of their members to be much more transparent. Having received my membership renewal the other day I did reply stating that I didn't feel it appropriate for me to renew given what has gone on and maintain that stance. However if the time ever comes, and surely it must, the Board all stand down and the membership are allowed to elect who they want to represent them, then I would be back on board in a heartbeat because the Industry in the U.K. needs something that works properly. In the meantime I think everyone would be better occupied not second guessing what AFTAL will do but get on with their lives until an announcement is made - if ever. Remember - a ' watched kettle never boils '.


Ken, I agree. The industry needs organizations that effectively look out for collectors. I used to think AFTAL was the model of what a dealer organization could be. Thanks to the way this situation and an earlier one with Marc Mclennan were handled, I no longer think that. But with an elected board with some of the good AFTAL dealers I know on it, I think it could be again.

speaking of good grief, I've inquired a few times of the status of Mark Mclennan UACC RD status based on a post made by Cyrkin.

Anything to update?

@Ken - MI5;  would that be Bond, James Bond ;-)    Although you are right that a self-appointing board can have significant drawbacks.  On the reverse side with the added chatter it might just assist in whaterver position they end up taking.

Anything to update?

You will have to ask the ' mole ' - ssssshhhhhhh   I know nooorrrthing - and you haven't seen me - right ?

Guys marc is not involved that much anymore he lets the board members get on with it , And I spoke to him some time last week and he mentioned that a new board will be good and one that is elected too

Marc Mclennan is a disgrace to AFTAL and needs to be removed for violating AFTAL's code of conduct.

One of My Favorite Characters - Sgt. Schultz of Hogan's Heroes.

Ken, whose ken?


I've inquired a few times of the status of Mark Mclennan UACC RD status based on a post made by Cyrkin.

I don't read every thread here and have not been actively followng this thread. Please PM me the details. I do not know what you are referring to.

I'd had also asked a board director a few times as well who indicated an inquiry would be sent.  Evidently, it isn't making it to the right place.

here is the link page discussion on the subject.  http://live.autographmagazine.com/forum/topics/acaf-forum-excerpt-m...

which should speak for itself.


Mr Zipper...that's funny coming from the man who moderated the Charlton Heston discussion.

Hello forum

I read thru over 60 postings today, and after taking in all of the accusations / statements / defence comments / jokes and frivalous remarks , I am all tired out ! lol

All I can say at this moment, after what I have seen and read...is

I am very worried.................

Im extremely concerned that a AFTAL statement is not going to clear this up

It could be UK v USA

AFTAL Board v Roger Epperson

Who will win ?

No one !!!    Everyone on the street who buys / trades a Jackson will potentialy lose out


I know that, and let me state for the record;

If anyone EVER anyone mentions a signed Michael Jackson to me either by wanting to sell or buy or that they have bought in the past ..... I WILL advise them there is doubts over Authenticity of Jacksons autograph since his death

I will advise them what I know and what has been said and send them to AML

They can make up their own opinion and seek further Authentification from either AFTAL or Roger Epperson

Im sure I would not purchase anything signed by Jackson ever in the future without asking one of the above people / clubs for their opinion

My choice for opinion would be Roger Epperson for the Record, and NO WAY am I suggesting anything about AFTAL, but that is my choice

I am sure that this is never going to die, but I will offer the people enquiring of the Jacksons of the Questionablity of some signed items since his death

There you go

cheers and good luck


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