Bought from Alan Parker back in 2011/12

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Lol yeah thanks. I'll try get down to the bottom of it. When I have the money I'll send it in to someone who's an expert on pistols stuff. I don't want someone saying no when another says yes. 

why don't u just list it on ebay for a million dollars so knowbody will buy it it

send the link to roger and  psa for 10$ each u will get a yes or no in 24 hours .problem soloved

nothing comes for free

Yeah nice one... 

Actually some places DO do it for free but I was looking for someone experienced in pistols autographs so whatever. 

You may already have your answer 

If I were to read between the lines I'd say your contact  who said he's seen alot of these from Parker, but didn't give a straight up answer is telling you something .... I'm pretty sure he's saying it's a fake.

I would not spend much money on TPA services 

Yeah I'm afraid of that. But just to make sure. 

John shaw

That's a strange answer coming from someone who hates TPA's 

And we all know the answer may indeed NOT be the correct answer

Problem not solved 

not really he was looking for a answer that he couldn't get a 100percent that he was happy with so for lillte money  you can have 2 tpa give u an answer then u put that info with the other and u can build your results

if both said no and others did problem solved if both said reall then more research needed .if one said real one said fake  u can just kill your self then.

I use building blocks with stuff and dissect everything

just did that with a very expensive itiem for a unnamed member here and i was correct it was fake. 

Good explanation john

And ya, fake seems to be where this one is headed

Btw he is a she lol

What is Parker´s stroy about the autograph? How did he get it? (And the other autographs too)

Ok, well I originally bought a large safety pin with mini handcuffs attached to them from Parker. (I'll attach a pic of it on the photo of sid with the autograph and a rare Japanese sid book he signed to me). I asked Alan if I can also get an autograph. He said yes but he will have to contact someone (I forgot who it was ages ago) 

So then I was talking to his assistant, Alexa, saying I want an autograph but seeing as I had paid a lot for Sid's pin, I can't afford to spend more. She said she'll see what she can do. (Given Alan had one of Sid's padlock necklaces, and Nancy's engagement ring that were sold at auction I didn't doubt the authenticity of the pin. My friend has confirmed Sid had one but that's another story) 

Alexa told me she had sent it off and I asked about the autograph and she said she had put one in the envelope for me. Saying Alan has so much stuff she talked him into giving me one. So I didn't get a coa. And that's pretty much it. He owes me one, but it means nothing if it's deemed fake. 

I don't know where or who he got the autograph from, or the others. Like I said when I spoke to him directly asking for one, he said he would need to contact a friend whom I can't remember to see if he could sell me one. 

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Speaking of punk memorabilia and such, has anyone here spoken to Eileen Polk? If u don't know who she is, she took some photos of sid and Nancy and did some articles.

She used to be on Facebook and contacted me out of the blue asking if I wanted a copy of PUNK magazine with one of her pics on the cover. Of course I said yes. She sent it free. Also a magazine called 'punk is dead' that she did an article in. I asked her to sign them. 

She's not on Facebook anymore I can't find her contact details. She was a very nice lady. 

Does Roger Epperson have any experience with this genre? Might be worth the $15 if he does.


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