Hi friends,

I have been reading so much about fake autograph. I need help with tghe following. Is anyone able to advise if its real or fake? Really appreciate all the help! All help is really much appreciated.

Thank You!

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I don't like it.  

You don't like it in what way?

The flow of the autograph is more spread out and not as vertical as the authentic Stan Lee's I've seen if that makes sense. And I've never seen the L in Lee as low in any authentic example as it is here. The signature also feels slow and deliberate with ink stops that you don't normally see in his authentic autograph. Also the upward angle of the autograph is too steep. There are a lot of JSA and PSA authenticated listings of his on fleabay, pull some up and you should be able to see why I don't think this example is authentic.

I have never seen anything like this. Pass.

Now that's the real deal!


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