I have been collecting Star Wars autographs since 1998.  Not all of my signatures are on Star Wars memorabilia.  For example, when I met Warwick Davis at a comic convention in New York City, I had him sign a Willow photograph.  I also have publicity photos of Sir Alec Guinness and Christopher Lee from the 1970s, and a Natalie Portman signed The Diary of Anne Frank theater poster from her performance on Broadway back in 1998.  My current wish list includes Peter Cushing, Terence Stamp and John Williams.  I am interested in knowing about the collections and wish lists of other members.

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 I will let those images speak for themselves.

Going all the way back to 1971-1982 Harrison's loop in the F went much higher and seemed like a tall crossbar of the F, but it certainly never just floated out there, not then, not now , not ever.        thanks for posting them

Not only that, but the whole "Harrison" thing.  The flow is off.  The slant is off.  I stand corrected.  The second autographed photo is particularly concerning.  Thanks Pete.

I just noticed the signed Apocalypse Now contract.  Absolutely incredible.  What a great piece.  Congratulations.

The above group of scans is strictly to show samples of early Harrison Ford graphs, and how his F extended up so high way back in the day.

While I did own some of them in the past, sadly I don't anymore.  

Some pieces have to leave when something else comes up....I'm sure you guys know how it goes.

What's the story on the Apocalype Now contract, Pete. I'm with Mike...I'm awestruck.

I wish there was a good story of the contract rider, it is just here for reference  on the way Ford used to sign his name, especially the F in Ford. It went up for auction about a decade ago and the image was sent to me for verification of his autograph.

Due to the fact that I had not seen the auction and it was a friend that requested help to verify it, I felt wrong going after it against him.

He lost the bidding war, and the piece is out there somewhere. Sometimes being a friend and honorable in this hobby, bites you in the end. 

Thanks, Pete. I didn't know Ford had anything to do with the movie, and it's one of my favorites.

Being honorable is a good thing...espcially in this field.

Harrison played Col. Lucas (named for Coppola friend and partner in American Zoetrope George Lucas.) He gives Martin Sheen the mission to go after Kurtz (named for Star Wars Producer Gary Kurtz) 

Everything leads back to Star Wars ....hahahahha

Pete, I hope that you two are still friends.  Here is a clip of the movie scene Steve.


Unfortunately the story went very Star Wars-like and the friend turned out to be one of those guys that went to the darkside. Honor was not a part of his vocabulary.

We are just starting to get people into the mind frame to see and understand good Fords, bringing the whole story over here may not do us any good.

Needless to say,  we are not friends. He went on to sell hundreds of Fake Fords and went so far as to forge Fords on multi signed cast posters and items ruining them for some of the most advanced SW autograph collectors on the planet.

His impressive collection and the fact that he was friends with so many advanced collectors, people would not listen to reason and even  began attacking the messengers. All of this drove a massive wedge (pun intended) into the hobby (I could have said Hobbie, but enough puns.)  The autograph section of rebelscum has still not come back from this disaster.     

That stinks like a dianoga.  Sorry Pete.

I realized something as I posted the last comment, and I apologize for not doing this sooner.
Somebody you may have never heard of, starts talking junk about pieces in collections that you or your friends probably cherish, and likely spent good money on. Who is this guy and what gives?
  My name is Pete Chuka and I have been addicted to collecting autographs since 1979. I have been to shows and conventions across the US and I have done in-person autograph hunting in and around New York City for years. Star Wars, along with most Science Fiction and Fantasy films or tv shows have been my main source of enjoyment, but my collection is certainly not limited to that.
If you are a Star Wars autograph collector, chances are you do know me, I have used the name Bendu on the Rebelscum Autograph Forum, for years and if you have ever asked an opinion there, then you likely have heard from me.
In the past, I was asked to be on both the AlphaCon and Star Wars Celebration III autograph collecting panels, and today, I remain an online source for helping new fans, as well as well respected long time dealers with authenticating Star Wars and modern celebrity autographs.
If I can help at all, please feel free to contact me.
Some of the other collections that I am always adding to include
Marvel, Game of Thrones, LOST, Bladerunner, Buffy, Firefly, HIghlander, Jaws, Indiana Jones, Harry Potter, Askewniverse, Die Hard/Sin City plus most other Bruce Willis films, and of course The Godfather.


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