Thought you might enjoy the newly edited "Jim Hallowes - Autograph Collector"

Greetings Fellow Autograph Collectors!

I thought you might enjoy watching the newly edited video documentary

“Jim Hallowes - Autograph Collector 2016”

Including everyone from Walt Disney to my working (and directing in TV commercials) with Orson Welles, Ronald Reagan, Dolly Parton, Evel Kinevel, and others. Let me know what you think.

And if we are not yet "friends" here, I hope you be my Autograph Live Friend!

Here's a page with individual segments from the video, too.

Individual segments:

Tags: Autographs, Beatty, Capote, Collecting, Disney, Dizzy, Dolly, Evel, Gillespie, Gregory, More…Hallowes, Jim, Kaufman, Kinevel, M*A*S*H, Myron, Orson, Parton, Peck, Reagan, Ronald, Ross, Truman, Walt, Warren, Welles

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The Jerry Lee autograph just can't get a rest...and I like it. If we really try, we can get the other thread up to 100 pages.

I do not see the fascination with Jerry lee lewis?? WHO CARES? A printed photo with his picture is worth more than a signed piece of S*** $15.00 autograph. LOL

I think the fascination is we are nerds who collect autographs and need something to argue about.

The signed books are selling for around $150 and it's said to be an edition of 750.


I find your stories when you've obtained in person autographs entertaining. As far as Mr. Ross goes, you would be better off finding a replacement. Haven't ever bought a piece off of him but do know he has a bad reputation. That won't help your cause a bit.

You need a better Ed McMahon.


I applaud your passion and videos. I do not believe this is some kind of sneaky scam to defend Mr. Ross. But, there is some valid questions about his business practices. When the Internet became the prime medium for autograph collectors and dealers there was a bunch of long time UACC Registered Dealers than took a bullet. Knowledge and exchange of information has exposed what had been going on for a long, long time. That is a good thing. It also hurt values. And, I applaud those who work to expose the bad apples. Ever since the first autograph sold for money there has been forgeries and that will never end. 

It still comes down to the collectors. If they are diligent they will come out ahead. If not, they will reap what they sow.

Jim I'm just not sure what to make of you. You seem very nice and sincere, and obviously have many nice items from people you met. At first you bring up your friend Ross that we all know. I really thought you were ligit and just had a friend who was a crook that you honestly were in the dark about. In the other thread that I posted the link to here you really wanted to tie yourself to Ross. You started by talking about your documentary with your guest, dealer, long time friend Myron Ross. Then said you have known Myron for many years, he's been in business since 1968, and you know he's well respected. "I'd bet Myron has made mistakes over the years, but all in all, from what I've seen and heard, and personal experience, I'm comfortable recommending him. So if someone here hadn't heard of Ross you might have friended them here and sent them to Ross? Has anyone here bought from Ross that you recommended? My point is you two were long time friends on the other thread you seem to have forgotten about, and on this thread you just ran into him and Marilyn at Hollywood shows? I would also love to hear more about your "test piece" you had someone else post? This was to try to prove someone here could make a mistake, like Ross?

myron well respected? Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha 


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