Hi, I was at a charity auction and saw all of these signed items from a company named Allstar Enterprises. None of the items came with any authentication from any professional authentication company, except for the ones that they printed out on their printer. I want to verify that these are real. Tom Brady Jersey, Robert Griffin III Ball, Derek Jeter Helmet, and many more. Just concerned when they have such a cheap minimum bid, when they are going for much more, even on eBay. Photos are attached of some. 

Tags: Allstar, Brady, Enterprises, Fake, Forged, Tom

Views: 3113

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What is the best way to prove that these are forgeries and present to the charities?

John, you are correct in your assertion.

Sites such as Autograph Alert, Autograph News Live, and Haul of shame are basically all smear sites. With the intention of destroying the reputation of good autograph dealers and authentication services. Autograph Alert and Autograph News Live have slandered and tried to ruin the reputation of virtually ever major respected party out their. The people who post on these sites post anonymously under many different accounts to make it look  like a lot of people are involved, when in reality is just a half dozen lonely goofs. And it has been proven that its just a few guys doing it. They hate this site and its members for exposing forgeries. And that is what its all about. They want to get rid of the good guys. And this site, PSA, JSA, Epperson and others that promote authentic items and slam forgers, are always targeted.

This ladys response to you is very telling of what her character is like. I cant count how many times i have heard that same story. And its the favorite story of the forgers once they get questioned. They say how PSA and JSA have no idea what they are doing, followed by directing the consumer too Autograph Alert, Autograph News Live, or Haul of Shame. They do this knowing full well, that these sites trash all the authenticators. They think that by directing consumers to those sites, that they will be comforted, but in reality, they are being directed to some of the biggest scum bags on the net. And this lady directing you towards those sites tells me 100 percent that she knows her items are bad and she is deliberately trying to deceive you.

Just for fun, tell her to visit this site, and that everyone thinks her items are fake. Then see what she will say, i can almost guarantee you it will be one of two things. Either she will say that no one here knows what they are talking about, or she will then direct you too Autograph Alert or Autograph News Live, knowing that both these pages trash this site up and down and try and tell everyone that its members are morons. These goons even use these sites to attack the families and religious preferences of the members of this site. Anything they can do to make legit dealers look bad, they do with a big smile on their face.

Unfortunately John,

It will be a very long, brutal, and expensive endeavor to try and get this operation shut down if its a charity that has been doing business with this vendor for a long time. Alot of times these charities grow to trust their suppliers and dont think they would every deceive them. And of course, the dealer is going to swear up and down that the items are real and that 3rd party authenticators dont know what they are talking about. Followed by pointing the charity to the smear sites you were pointed too. The dealer will argue that people here dont know what they are talking about, and that no one here is an expert, and that they all are just opinions. Then they will probably indicate that they get their items in person, or something similar to that, and drudge up a few "proof photos" that show absolutely nothing. The celeb could be signing a piece of dog poo, but the dealer will present it as solid proof, b/c you wont be able to see what is being signed.

The first thing i would do, is direct the people in charge of the charity to this site. Put them in touch with Steve Cykrin (the owner of this site) and that would be a good start. Another good start will be to contact Roger Epperson and see if he will help out. Roger is the best in the world at music autograph. He has shut down alot of forgers, and his expertise would be invaluable. In reality, it wont be hard at all to prove that these signatures are fake. A study of authentic exemplars, put together in an understandable format, should be plenty to show the charities the truth. The hard part is trying to get the charities to listen to you.

I would also suggest talking to the sports guys on this site and asking them to see if they can lend you their expertise. Their are many here who are far better than the guys at JSA or PSA. They are really amazing. One in particular who has made it his mission to get rid of forgers is Christopher Williams. He is extremely knowledgeable at sports. Probably one of the best in the world at Mantle signatures, and Jeter Signatures. He knows sports like the back of his hand. The sports guys on this site really know their stuff, its amazing.

And then of course, youd probably get some lawsuit threats from the company if you decided to try and expose them. They would on all probability be bluff threats, b/c if they ever did go to court, they would be in big trouble. But they will threaten you. So all in all, it would be a tiresome task, but if you decide to go after them, i applaud your determination, and will help you any way i can, just as im sure every other member here would as well.

Good Luck and let me know if you need anything


Thank you for your post, i mentioned to Allstar Enterprises to check out this post and this was their reply:

Just thought you would like to read a little about the Stained Owner of Autograph Magazine Live....Steve Cyrkin...........


Website: www.allstarenterprises.biz



Not a big surprise that's what they would counter with.  

No kidding, being one of the donors for the charity, i will send this whole thread to the charity and let them decide. I will even offer to pay for multiple authentications from PSA, JSA, and another authenticator. We will see how many come back authentic. Can you just send in the pictures to these companies to get authenticated, or do you have to have an actual item to send in, to have it authenticated? This company shouldnt be allowed to rob people and charities of their money anymore. 

I'm not a huge fan of third party authentication myself, but I think you can get a "quick opinion" service by sending in images of the items themselves.  Full-blown authentication would require the item itself.  I might have that wrong . . .


What did i tell you John. Do you really think any respectable dealer would be trying to direct its future customers to smear sites? of course not, they would let their reputations, and the autograph speak for themselves.

You wouldnt believe some of the stuff people have wrote about Steve Cyrkin. Just search this site and you will see, or just google his name. The forging community hate him with a passion for running this site. You should read some of the vile filth they write about him over at ANL and AA. They tell everyone how he is gay, how he is antisemetic, how his kids are horrible, how hes broke, having family troubles, in trouble with the law, a forger himself, yotta yotta yotta. It really is shocking how far they will go. And of course its the same people over and over again writing these things. 

Its funny the seller of these forgeries directed you to a consumer report type claim. Let me tell you a story. Steve and Roger Epperson are very good friends and are at the top of the list that forgers want gone. The same things they say about Steve, they say about Roger. They make up the most horrible things about him, even calling him a child molester. In particular over at ANL and AA their was one poster who was doing this on a regular basis by the name of Cori Raiderman (screen name). He not only was posting the most vile slander you can imagine against Roger and Steve, but also was harassing Roger and stalking him on an intimate level, emailing him, threatening him, etc. Eventually it got to the point where Roger said enough is enough and sued the guy for big money (even though Cori didnt have big money). Roger of course won the suit.

But whats funny in this story, is that one of the things that showed how vindictive this man was, was an email Cori sent to Roger. In this email he told him that he owned many different anonymous accounts on Ripoff Report (a consumer ripoff report site, like the one you were directed too, where you can post anonymously and pretend to be anyone), and that if Roger tried to defend himself online against the slander Cori was spouting, that he would write a bunch more reports on Ripoff Report. That original email/chat log is posted on this site and can be found if you want to search it. And you can read up on the Cori/Roger trial and the lengths this man and his cronies went too, to try and get Roger and Steve.

That is exactly what this lady who is selling forgeries is attempting to show you. Just another ripoff report type site where anyone can go on and post a report about anyone else, without any proof whatsoever. And just as Cori got busted for writing many different reports against Roger, so to will this person writing this filth. The forgers will do anything and everything to try and get rid of those who make it hard for them to sell there forgeries. Message Steve and let him read that garbage. He probably will be able to tell you which lowlife wrote it.

You have your proof this company is selling fakes and are on the dark side. Anyone who directs someone to the sites that she has directed you too, has already shown what their true colors are. And of course that doesnt even take into account the horrible forgeries.

You should invite the Allstar rep to come on this site and defend their forgeries. And also the links that they are providing to you. Let them explain how they got this info and on what basis they give it any credibility.

Its pretty easy to see that you should stay away from this company.

Thanks Carl, 

I definitely am staying away from this company. The only thing is, after seeing these horrible looking signatures at a CHARITY auction, i just think that it is the lowest of low-life things to do to charities and their donors. Selling them fake items. I want to bring it to light to the charities that they work with, especially the one that i support. I stated earlier i would pay for 3 different authentication companies to authenticate the signatures above, just to have proof from 3 different reputable companies that they were fakes.

You know whats really funny John. Steve Cyrkin is Jewish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   Yes thats right, he is Jewish, yet this lowlife wrote that he is antisemetic. lol. I mean how stupid can you get. But thats par for the course form Allstarenterprises. I am betting that the person who wrote that report is one of the main posters at ANL. But from reading that report she sent you, you can gauge what type of a person she is.

Its just amazing that she actually thought that sending this link to you would make her company look good. It makes her look horrid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What respectable company directs their future consumers to sites filled with lies, rubbish, and slander as a defense for being called out for selling forgeries.

You know what happens when Roger Epperson and other good dealers get called out for selling possible forgeries? They ask for evidence as to why they think they are bad, and work to resolve any issues. But what does this person do? Send you straight to slander sites.

These people who supply bad items to charity auctions deserve to be in jail. Basically nowadays most stuff you see in charity auctions are forgeries. Because the forgers know that they can get away with it and stay under the radar. Its sick

I have run or worked with Charities and Foundations for years and recently stumbled across this post and I want to make a statement.....I was attending a friends charity (where these photos were taken in Nashville) because she had recommended Allstar Enterprises for auction consignment items to my charity and I wanted to see how she ran her event.  The person taking these photos was in  fact a COMPETITOR of Allstar's (and his name is NOT JOHN) and he is simply trying to damage Allstar's reputation.  I usually do not get involved in such petty things, but I can tell you that I have since used this company and their reputation is excellent.  It is a shame when others feel they have to make others look bad just to make themselves look better....it makes them look desperate and pathetic.  I can tell you that once my friend in Nashville discovered WHO (JOHN!) posted these pictures she stated that she will NEVER use his company again and will share that with all her charity friends.  SHAME ON YOU JOHN! 


And I can tell you for certain the Brady and the Jeter are complete forgeries with a drastically worthless COA (not to mention the others also look like fakes also). I think its more damaging putting COA on forgeries then passing off those forgeries at auctions to unsuspecting buyers, than someone pointing this out.

Not sure how someone selling such comical forgeries to charities is excellent or how a charity person is now a professional in fake autographs. But its clear that this company should go away as theyare knowingly doing harm by passing off POOR forgeries as authentic with these jokes of a COA from Allstar Enterprises. Thankfully anyone who googles this will see this. 


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