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  • BallroomDays67

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BallroomDays67 left a comment for JDF
"You’re very welcome. Morrison is particularly tough because it’s a relatively rare signature in fairly high demand. I think your best option on eBay at the moment would be the check endorsement from a member here. Otherwise, patience…"
May 29, 2019
JDF replied to G01ch's discussion The Doors Market in the group The Doors Collectors/Fans
"Search autograph of Jim MORIISON: I wish I bought an authentic autograph of Jim Morrison. Who is reliable please? Thank you so much."
May 28, 2019
JDF joined G01ch's group

The Doors Collectors/Fans

Group for the fans of Jim, John, Ray and Robby.
May 28, 2019
JDF liked G01ch's discussion The Doors Market
May 28, 2019
JDF joined David Jackson's group

Free Buy, Sell and Trade Group

BUY/SELL/TRADE Group testing opens June 25.DO NOT POST UNTIL WE SEND THE OK!Listings will be limited during testing. I'll send the details once I figure them out.Thanks,Steve*******************************Read the rules…See More
May 28, 2019
BallroomDays67 and JDF are now friends
May 28, 2019
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May 23, 2019
JDF liked Bart Rammelaere's photo
May 23, 2019

About Me

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Collector, Fan, Other Professional
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
Je collectionne les autographes de Bruce Lee, Lee Van Cleef, Gandolfini, Marlon Brando, A Hitler, Himmler +++, je recherche un autographe de jim morrison et du groupe the doors...

Je collectionne les objets allemands de la seconde guerre mondiale : dague SS, casques, insignes, etc.
What is your level of expertise?
Intermediate Collector, Advanced Collector
Why do you want to join Autograph Live?
Le professionnalisme de certains comme :"Ballroomdays67".
Je suis amateur du groupe the doors et de jim morrison !
Who can we thank for telling you about us?
What are your areas of interest?
History/Politics, Music, Space/Aviation/Military
Why do you collect?
La passion inexplicable d'un morceau du passé : peut être un goût pour l'immortalité de l'objet qui reste alors que les personnes disparaissent...
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
Bruce Lee, A. Hitler, H.HIMMLER
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Surtout les autographes des personnes disparues.

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At 2:04pm on May 29, 2019, BallroomDays67 said…

You’re very welcome. Morrison is particularly tough because it’s a relatively rare signature in fairly high demand. I think your best option on eBay at the moment would be the check endorsement from a member here. Otherwise, patience will probably be rewarded.


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