William R. McMurray
  • Moscow Mills, MO
  • United States
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  • Kyle M.
  • Bobby Livingston
  • Lisa Santana
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William R. McMurray's Page

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Greg Bjorg commented on William R. McMurray's album

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"It seems really interesting! I'd want to work in the related area too, but I don't know if there are any vacancies for me."
Aug 18, 2021

About Me

What kind of member are you? (Check as many as apply.)
What would you like to tell us about yourself, your collecting, or business.
I organize celebrity auctions for charitbale causes. Have received everything from signed World Series bats to dresses from Wheel of Fortunes, Vanna White. As for my own collection, original cartoon art and canceled checks are my favorite. I have an attractive collection of signed baseballs and a Rod Stewart signed guitar custom framed.
What is your level of expertise?
What are your areas of interest?
Sports, History/Politics, Books/Literature, Modern Hollywood and Stage, Classic Hollywood and Stage, Music, SciFi, Horror, Space/Aviation/Military
Why do you collect?
For many reasons. For most of my life I have surrounded myself with successful people. I've learned a great deal from each person. Celebrities in particular have reached a pinacle of success. I have no desire to be a celebrity. Yet, interviewing them for my former newspaper column proved very beneficial. I got to see a great deal behind the scenes and learned they are just as normal as anyone else. They've simply mastered a talent. I share with my students that each of them can also become a celebrity in their own field if they practic, practice and still practice more. Doing so will earn them a level of admiration amoungst their peers and help them fulfill their own goals with the confidence they gain.
What is your favorite autograph in your collection?
A signed 1946 canceled checks of Stan Musial. It's custom framed w/a BW licensed photo.
You can ask anyone living or dead for their autograph. Who would it be?
Marilyn Monroe

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At 12:13am on October 5, 2009, Lisa Santana said…
Hello Mr. McMurray,

I remember reading some of your earlier articles several years ago on autograph collecting. I think raising money for charitable causes is a wonderful idea! I had thought about doing something like that myself. What would you recommend on how to go about doing this first? Any suggestions would be helpful!

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