Did You Purchase an Item from Anthony Nurse or Charity Fundraising Packages? Please Let me Know...

I saw items at an auction recently that I believe to be forgeries. I'm in the process of trying to figure out if they are real or not, and would like to hear from others on experiences they've had with Anthony Nurse or his company -- Charity Fundraising Packages.

I remember being at a party 15 years ago, and somebody had a signed "Hotel California" album by the Eagles. It was fake, and I knew it was. I asked the guy how he acquired it. He told me an auction for his sons school. I didn't have the heart to tell him.

So, when I saw another fake Hotel California album at this auction, it made me cringe.

Anyway...please contact me if you purchased a forgery or ANYTHING from this company -- and I'll see if Steve and Roger can help me authenticate these items, and we'll move into the next steps involved (if, in fact, they are forged items).

It's bad enough if forged items are sold to unsuspecting people, but to do it in the name of a charity is just despicable. 

(and a website that shows generic pictures of bands signing for 50 fans doesn't prove anything...neither does a photo of Anthony Nurse standing by Rod Stewart at a book signing).

At book signings, they don't let you bring albums, cds, or guitars. They sign THE BOOK ONLY. And having a photo taking with somebody, doesn't make any autographed item you sell "authentic." Most people don't realize that.

Anyway....contact me at: joshboard87@gmail.com

Thank you!

(or post your stories on this thread)

Views: 28929

Tags: Anthony Nurse, Charity Fundraising Packages, Forgery, autograph authenticity, charity auctions, fake autographs

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on February 27, 2019 at 4:48pm


I don't think I deserve them, but thanks for the kind words. Hopefully my life insurance company doesn't see them.

Comment by Sidney Fields on March 1, 2019 at 7:29pm

No problem, Steve.  I'll retract what I said :)

Meanwhile...another thing about this "authenticator" Michael Ciravolo.  His stated background on the RM real site can leave the impression that he did the analysis of the notes from the NYC Zodiac killer.  

The analysis of NY Zodiac communications came from profilers and psycholinguists including the late Syracuse university professor Murray Miron. 

Comment by MarkG on November 20, 2019 at 1:15pm

Hi Josh

What an epic thread - brilliant in every way! I thought I would share this blog from davidbowieautograph.com about our friends Charity Fundraising. Andy the webmaster is not a member here but asked my to pass on his grateful thanks to you and Steve C.


Best wishes


Comment by Mike R. on October 30, 2020 at 10:24pm

Hello everyone. I spoke with Josh offline and he gave great insight. However the charity I purchased a signed Led Zeppelin guitar from, courtesy of Charity Fundraising  is now jerking me around and not refunding my money. Unfortunately I purchased via an online auction and didn't realize until I received the guitar that it was provided by Charity Fundraising and "certified" by a company nobody accepts. Looking for help in getting my money back as the charity has been jerking me along. 20201028_100647.jpg20201028_100706.jpg20201028_100713.jpg20201028_100719.jpg

Comment by Dan Morris on October 30, 2020 at 10:52pm

Hi Mike, did you pay via credit card or PayPal as you should be able to obtain a refund although it may take some time? 

Comment by Mike R. on October 31, 2020 at 7:03am

I did pay by credit and will call and dispute the charge today.

Comment by Sidney Fields on October 31, 2020 at 7:59am


Sorry to hear this.

Can you tell us from which charity you made the purchase?

It may help others.

Comment by Mike R. on October 31, 2020 at 9:04am

It was a charity managed by Prolanthropy. The Prolanthropy folks are the ones holding up refunding me. They said they'd call Charity Fundraising next week to verify the items are real....but I'm sure Charity Fundraising isn't going to say to them, "Yup, you got me - we sell countless forgeries!"

Comment by Mike R. on October 31, 2020 at 9:17am

I referred them to this site and encouraged them to contact the folks here as part of their investigation. I also forwarded the website of Star Wars actor Anthony Daniels who has an entire section calling out merchandise with his forged signature. And yes, Charity Fundraising items make a few appearances. He told them they were selling forgeries and asked them to stop, but they don't care.

Comment by Josh Board on October 31, 2020 at 9:17am

Exactly. And you have to tell the charity, "Look...I don't care what they say. They don't have photos showing the band signing the guitar, they don't have proof, and the guitar would be worth 50 times what I paid for it, so...if it's real, like they claim, they can go online right now and sell it for 10 times what I paid." And, tell them that Charity Fundraiser has been known to sell bogus stuff, and you are not about to spend all this time going to get verification, only to pay people  to say it's not good, and them claiming those people aren't legitimate and yadda yadda yadda. Tell them this is non-negotiable, and any charity worth their salt (like Make a Wish Foundation), has a deal with them -- if ANYONE complains, for ANY reason, they refund.


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