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Since there was that blog showing the fake Hitler signed photo, I thought posting this story I saw in the paper the other day, would be interesting.

A prison that held Hitler in 1924 had documented his time behind bars, and sold to an anonymous bidder for $33,400.

It was about 500 documents from Landsberg prison, and found by a man about the possessions of his late father, who had purchased them at a flea market in the 1970s (isn't that always the case?)

The Bavarian State ARchives in Munich examined photographs of the documents and said they appeared geniuine, though the experts said the authenticity could NOT be guaranteed without the originals in hand.

One document IS SIGNED by Hitler himself.

Views: 365

Comment by Stephen Duncan on July 11, 2010 at 5:46pm
Refresh my memory on this guy: Did he signed his full name or just last, and about how many signatures by him are really out there (seems like there shouldn't be that many)?


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