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This is How You Know You're an INSANE Autograph Collector

You heard about this tragic event involving a firefighter on Tuesday, right?

No, he didn't fall of a burning building.

During an Indians/Rangers baseball game, he tried to snag a foul ball and fell over the upper deck railing, and fell 30 feet onto the seats below him (my first question is...when you're at the railing, aren't you aware of how dangerous that can be?)

He injured four fans below him, and broke his ankle and got a skull fracture, but is on his way to recovery.

When I saw the video footage of the umpire and players reacting to this, I knew it must've been horrific.

And you know what my very next thought was? And this is the sick part.

I thought to myself, "That dude is going to be lucky if her survives. You know the team is going to give him an autographed baseball and some other cool memorabilia."

I can't believe I had the thought, but I did.

(on a side note: as I sat down to write this blog, I hear on Extra that they gave him the foul ball he was after)

Views: 74

Tags: 30, Board, Indians, Josh, Rangers, autographs, fall, firefighter, foot, umpires

Comment by Josh Board on July 8, 2010 at 10:02am
Michael, what I meant was...I AM the insane one. I hear a story like this, and my first thought is -- he's now going to get a lot of cool autographed items out of this.
I just heard on the news this morning, that Nolan Ryan visited him in the hospital. So it starts already!
Comment by Stephen Duncan on July 9, 2010 at 10:26am
An MLB baseball costs about $3.00 -$4.00.................
I would rather have my ankle and skull, even if it was then raining memorabilia.


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