Are they still selling items? If so, where? They were removed from ebay (which can be for any number of reasons), so they are not selling there, and their website has 0 products.
Last I heard they dealt mostly in stage-used and artist-owned memorabilia. Not much in autographs anymore. They seem to have been pretty quiet since 2006 or so.
It appears someone bought a top part of a suit Michael Jackson supposedly wore in MIB and then Juliens listed the entire suit for sale. With it being such a small role, someone pointed out there were likely not more than 1 suit but nothing else was said on it. Again, that's the ONLY negative thing I could find out there. Considering they were pretty big 5 years ago, take it for what it's worth.
Richard, I can connect you with a dealer who has done business with them in unsigned music memorabilia, but I don't know more. Autographs are a cakewalk compared to that field. Send me an email or call me on my 310 line if you want the connection.
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