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I was reading another blog post last night concerning Derek Jeter signatures that are being claimed by a member on this site to not be authentic. I was born and raised in the Bronx NY and have been a Yankees fan since birth, i have also been obtaining autographs from the Yankees for the past 39 years needless to say I have amassed autographs from some of the greatest and toughest Yankees signers of all time including Derek Jeter who happens to be the biggest part of my personal collection.



Contrary to popular believe Derek Jeter is not that tough of an autograph to obtain and this is coming from someone who has gotten his autograph several dozen times. It is also a well known fact that Derek Jeter changes his signature very often (as you can see from the photo's I have posted) and he has admitted this in press and print. Derek also has a totally different signature when he signs for Steiner and Upper Deck than he does when he signs in person which can also be seen from my photo's since I have a couple of pieces that are Steiner and MLB Authenticated as well. I am also going to post photo's of Jeter signatures that are authenticated by JSA and Global Authentics that were also obtained in person. Is there differences in the signature? yes. Which is why if you have never obtained his signature in person you would not see how often he changes it up. It is very odd that a person or a few people would question his signature if you have never obtained it in person. It is very easy to go to the Steiner or upper Deck website and compare signatures however that is not realistic, you need to obtain it in person in order to see how often his habits change. I see a lot of people making comments of which I have never seen getting autographs from Jeter. Am i everywhere Jeter is when he signs? NO. However I have been attending Spring Training since 1995 and just returned from my yearly month long trip and just so happens I did not see any of the people on here that claim Jeter does not sign while i was in Tampa. Everyone has the right to think what they want and say what they want but when it come to making statements that are not true it becomes slander and to claim that all of the Jeter signatures posted in another blog on this site are not Authentic is pure false statements. I personally use Global Authentics to authenticate all of my signatures and I have never had a problem with their service, in fact I used JSA in the past as well and after reading all of the issues with the authentication process they use, the fact that they have been caught on video and News sources more than once authenticating fake signatures as well as the fact that James has provided false statements in the court of law I decided to reach out to Steve Sipe since he had taken over Global and cleaned things up, also due to the fact that he worked for Upper Deck and actually has a background in authentication i felt very comfortable with my move. I have never had an issue with Global, never had an issue with buying Global items and when it comes down to calling Global and asking to speak with Steve there is no problem getting him on the phone and he is very professional to speak with. I already know that there will be people on here with a negative comment which is fine everyone has the right to voice their opinion and no one has to agree with it, just like some may not agree with me I may not agree with you and that is our choice as Americans. Is their stuff on the market that Global may have made a mistake with? Yes there is, Is there stuff on the Market that JSA made a mistake with? Yes there is, Is there stuff on the market that PSA made a mistake with? Yes there is. So before everyone teams up on one guy or company realize that people are human and make mistakes. There is only 1 true way to know that you are getting an authentic signature and that is to get it yourself. To take the advise of a person or group of people that have never obtained that specific signature before is not really advise, this includes people that don't go out and get signatures period. It is very easy to sit around looking at signatures all day trying to figure out what is real and what is not real but to actually obtain it is a entirely different situation. Like I said prior I know I will be bashed by some for these statements and comments which is fine because that is how it is when a few people are trying to discredit another individual or have a hidden agenda. I would also like to point out Haulsofshame.com which also has some interesting PROOF/FACT's stated articles about JSA and PSA that not everyone wants people to see so before people take advise from 1 person or group of people trying to belittle 1company read what they say about them all then make your own educated choice because when it comes down to it everyone has the right to make their own choice and draw their own conclusions based on all of the evidence not just the trash talked about 1 company.

Views: 1889

Comment by DB on April 9, 2012 at 12:21pm

Well - this one belongs over here so I'll do the honors;  I know now we can have the non-esistent carl  claim "competition" but it is telling.   While I don't necessarily share some of william's approaches he is a valuable asset to the AML community.


Comment by Mr Zipper1 hour ago



Your Request for Item "Derek Jeter signed ball.", eBay Lot No. "130654677737", opinion was rendered at "4/9/2012 6:31:50 AM" and the result was:

Response:       "Likely Not Genuine"

Here are the details of your Request:

Request ID:     85307
Request By:     04/10/2012

Thank you choosing the QuickOpinion service!

Comment by Robert Boucher on April 9, 2012 at 8:45pm
I would like to clarify 1 thing before I respond to the comments on this blog.
The Jeter signatures that I posted were obtained over a period of about 9 years or so. The point I was trying to make in showing these was that for exemplar purposes if one was to go off of these for authenticating the more current style of Jeter signature you would see a difference in the signatures.
I didn't expect to be bashed for posting this blog but come to think about it and looking at some of the other blogs maybe I should have expected it. I will answer the comments posted by the members. Some I agree with and some are just offline and I will address them as such. Again as I stated when I started the blog everyone has a right to their own opinion and no one has to agree with one another's opinions mine included, but facts there is no denying.
Steve Cyrkin,
Your welcome for the post, like I said prior I did it not to get bashed but I was wrong.
To answer your question about James, yes he did provide false statements in a court of law under oath, I will have to find the transcript I just read it again the other night.
I find it interesting that you commented about that but not the fact that he and his company have been caught on video tape and News Channel's authenticating forgeries.
As far as "getting everything in person in order to authenticate them" I'm not sure where I said that.
Mr. Zipper
This does not really prove anyone's point. Because the same style Jeter signatures that Chris Williams has posted on another blog to not be authentic are the same style here (mainly the baseball and the JSA/GA Jeter in my first 3 photo's.
As far as you struggling through the "long paragraph-less manifesto" I didn't realize I had to appease to you in order to post something on here. Next time I will keep you in mind when I need proof reading and editing done. Hopefully this post is more suitable to your needs.
As far as the Rivera balls you posted I will agree with you on this they do look off however I believe Mr. Sipe has addressed this in another blog however he got bashed for it. You know if everyone on here has issues with Steve Sipe or anyone for that matter why not pick up the phone and talk to them man to man? It seems that everyone on here is easy to bash someone from a computer that is the cowards way out. NO I'm not attacking any 1 particular person just making a general statement.
Also I am not a shill on here to do damage control or dirty any any water with a diversion, or a seller with never ending of anything because I do not sell anything on ebay or any other site so all of your assumptions are incorrect but like I said before you are entitled to your own opinion.
I'm just curious if I can ask 1 question. When was the last time you got an in person Jeter signature?
Carl Gudzic
I didn't come on here to bash anyone but it just seems that's a common practice on here with a few guys. The reason for it is baffling to me but it is what it is. I'm not sure if I can put name to face but I am sure I have seen you in Tampa if you have been going for that long. If you have been going to spring training for that long than you know what I am talking about when it comes to Jeter. It seems that the certain few people on here have this assumption that Jeter does not sign autographs when in fact he signs all the time and even at restaurants, gas stations, both malls etc.
As far Chris Williams being the god of autograph authentication, I'm not too sure about that. I do think he has a good eye for Mantle and the obvious Jeter forgeries but has no clue on the current style of Jeter in person signatures. I agree with you that Steve Sipe is a professional and is very easy to deal with, he has always given me a solid opinion if i was going to buy something from someone, I know I can email him a photo of something and get his honest opinion. I know that everyone is going to say I'm kissing Steve Sipes ass because that's what seems to follow after someone writes something positive about someone they are trying to bash. But to be honest that is the furthest from the truth. I don't have any allegiance to any of these authentication companies. There is 1 reason and 1 reason only that I even have my items authenticated and that is for when I am gone from the world I have something to leave my kids that they can either use to pay for college, weddings or whatever it is that they want to do. In my opinion having my stuff authenticated will save them from the hassle in the future.
I noticed what you said about responding to a comment that you tried to post on another blog. I tend to agree with you, if someone posts a blog on here it should be open to anyone posting on it no matter if they like what you have to say or not. Take a look at how I got attacked and I didn't take the option of not posting it, it is what it is and no one is going to agree with everything but at the same time everyone should have the right to voice there opinion since that is mostly what is on here is opinions, you can agree with them or against them that is our rights as Americans..
I will close with this, there is some useful information on here which is what first drew me to this site but it is all tainted by all of the negativity and bashing that is also thrown around on here. This is supposed to be a great and joyful hobby but the focus seems to get pushed off to bashing and people with their own hidden agenda whatever that may be. Can there be a positive blog posted on here that brings the love back to collecting?? There is enough hate in the world..


Comment by DB on April 10, 2012 at 1:41am

As far as the Rivera balls you posted I will agree with you on this they do look off  is really the only point that needs discussion w/o al the rhetoric.  You have claimed Spence made "false" statements in a court of law...and if that were the case and he knowingly did such a thing he would be open to "perjury".  Since there is no reports of that occuring then we will dismiss your claim out of hand along with a few other claims..

As far as picking up the phone and calling that is exactly what they all want - then only 2 people know what occurred and not the great community fo collectors.  Sipe did clear up a 500 baseball GAI series of questions but I don't recall the Jeter clarifications (but I don't read every post either).

What is fascinating is that some seem to feel Sipe's "authenicator couldn't" possibly get these wrong.  Happens all the time and not just with GA especially when they "bless" an exemplar (based on who knows) that should never have been embraced.

If calling a horse a horse or a duck a duck is bashing then I'm all in.

Comment by CEE GEE on April 10, 2012 at 6:01am

Well its safe to say that everyone has an opinion as Americans...its also safe to say that almost all celebs in any field over a coarse of time, there signature does change...practically our own signature changes over years time as well...

Its very clear to me that the members on this site that have an extensive collection and have been collecting exclusively certain players or sports or team members that have more passion in this then just a mear hobby knows the difference between the good the bad and the ugly...

BUT as far as characteristics and certain style autos that one TPA certs and no one else does...doesn't that make anyone wonder why ONE company and ONE company only is certing these particular pieces...and why the same company that certs these pieces the sellers do have an endless supply of any of these autos...I hate to burst the bubble of all the GA defenders on here...I will never purchase a fake Jeter NO MATTER WHAT STICKER IS ON IT....Plain and simple...sorry to also say...YES I have gotten Jeter several times in person...and Yes Jeter signs completely different then he does sitting down at a table then he does when he is mobbed...but the fact of the matter is knowing the difference (which I do) not because of what ANY OTHER MEMBER SAYS on this site...I know from personal experience...sorry that GAI has certed so much garbage in the past...that has nothing to do with any member on here...Sorry that GA was going to clean up the mess but instead of changing there certs OR name that just dropped one letter off and expect collectors to just say...OK...things are going to change NOW when it CLEARLY didn't...

For all the defenders that is in the know with GA...Have Jeter clear up the air by stating that he ALSO has an exclusive contract to sign for GA and show him signing the way he does...It should be something quite easy to obtain if he is in fact signed with GA to sign...Also how Derek decides to completely switch his hand style exclusively from being fluid and clean to being ridiculously out of proportion and totally off...with those ridiculous "D"s and  scribble messes that ONLY GA says is good...sorry guys...its all good...who cares what we say...real collectors don't need to read any one comment on here to know the difference on what an authentic auto looks like...unfortunately the only ones that suffer from buying fakes are the ones that or uneducated buying lower then usual priced items thinking there getting a steal when there just buying a cheap fake NOT a discounted authentic auto... 

Comment by CEE GEE on April 10, 2012 at 6:26am

Here is a perfect example of a Jeter authentic autograph signed while signing for free for several fans...now ask yourself...is this something you would want to own or will any one TPA pass this...I would say NO to both questions...that does not change the fact that it is authentic...

Here is a sit down in person charity event signed card...clearly these 2 autos look nothing alike...but will the top one pass authentication ?...Will any one TPA put there reputation on the line and say its good...probably not...it does not change the fact that it is authentic...

this is one authenticated by Steiner on a Jersey

Here is a Jeter authenticated by GA on a magazine cover that is also clearly authentic...

Now how can GA authenticate that magazine cover which is right as rain....and then also authenticate that ball and bat which first of all looks nothing like each other...and second of all are clearly fakes...there is no need to bash or show hatred to any one on here...any collector can look at all of these examples and judge for themselves...its clearly obvious there is something devastatingly wrong here...


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