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Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators Mickey Mantle Joe DiMaggio Ted Williams

Immediately below is a link to a previous blog on Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators; the below blog includes links to more blogs on GFA.


The two links below are my two most important blogs on Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators.



Below is your typical, mass-produced set of Mickey Mantle, Ted Williams and Joe DiMaggio forgeries.  They are listed on Ebay with a Buy It Now of $800.00.  So evidently the seller believes this is a rare piece.

Here it is.


Ever since GFA began operations in Sept. 2011 I have always wondered what Stephen Rocchi meant by "Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators has forensically examined your signature....."

Check out the GFA Cert Number:  25803

If you go to the GFA Cert Check Database cert numbers 25800 through 25804 are all of the same image and forgeries.

In simple terms these are copies of forgeries produced on inkjet paper.

The odds of Mickey Mantle signing his autograph on inkjet paper is zero in my opinion.   Mickey Mantle passed away on August 13, 1995.

Check out the below link for more information on GFA Cert Checks.


Views: 148

Tags: Guaranteed Forensic Authenticators

Comment by Steve Cyrkin, Admin on February 19, 2023 at 3:09pm

These are the same style of Mantle, DiMaggio, and Williams forgeries we've seen for the last 15+ years, aren't they? 

Comment by CJCollector on February 19, 2023 at 3:20pm

They sure are, Steve.  The same garbage that we first observed from AtAuction.com, AAFES, etc.

Stephen Rocchi will be leaving behind one heckuva legacy.


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