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Remember the days when an autograph collector could attend a comic convention or a sports collectors convention, and pay one price for an autograph that could be placed on anything collectible?  Premium pricing did not exist.  Whether Mark Hamill autographed an 8x10 photo or a lightsaber, or whether Don Mattingly autographed a baseball card or a baseball bat, the cost was the same.  There was no charge for inscriptions.  Entertainers and athletes were happy to oblige.  What has happened to our hobby since then?

In a recent private autograph signing, Harrison Ford was requiring an additional $145 to autograph an 8x10 photo if it was signed by other cast members.  This is a recent example of the direction that premium pricing is taking autograph collectors now.  Hopefully, autograph collectors will not be paying an additional amount for each additional cast member on an item in the future.  Perhaps it has already happened.

Hopefully Lee Majors will not charge a premium price to autograph a Col. Steve Austin action figure one day.

I imagine that premium pricing will continue to increase in our ever-changing hobby.  Autograph collectors will continue to pursue successfully autographed items that they desire, and their autograph collections will continue to be enhanced, regardless of how financially difficult the hobby may become.

Views: 688

Comment by crazyrabbits23 on April 27, 2022 at 10:23am

I blame the pandemic on causing collectible prices to skyrocket -- and it's impacted all fields. I've heard stories of Bobby Orr charging 5-6 times his normal fee to sign items ($200-300), comic creators charging out the nose for private signings and celebrities thumbing their noses at signing sessions unless it guarantees a huge payday.

Comment by Eric Keith Longo on April 27, 2022 at 10:59am

Well, as collectors we pay more for cast signed items - I can see charging a fee these days...to a degree. The celeb could just as easily refuse to sign cast items to streamline sales on the line. 

Comment by Jason H on April 27, 2022 at 11:42am

As long as people are willing to pay, it will only get worse.. similar to how cigarettes used to be dirt cheap and now ive heard close to $10 a pack.. they take advantage of an addiction where people will pay no matter what price. 

Comment by Eric Keith Longo on April 27, 2022 at 11:45am

$15 a pack in NYC.

Comment by Mike Shepherd on April 27, 2022 at 1:40pm

That is a good point about the pandemic, Crazy Rabbits.  I agree with you.

Comment by Mike Shepherd on April 27, 2022 at 2:03pm

I agree, Eric.  It is definitely better to pay a premium price than to receive nothing at all.  Also, check your Inbox.  I sent you a message on Friday.  I hope that you enjoy it.

Comment by Mike Shepherd on April 27, 2022 at 2:06pm

Yes, Jason.  I am an admitted “autographaholic”.

Autograph Collectors Support Group

Comment by Eric Keith Longo on April 27, 2022 at 2:31pm

Hi Mike,

I'm sorry - I missed it. Just read and saw. Thank you! I sent you a photo - the location of the Kramden household as mentioned on TV in 55/56! :-)

Jackie grew up here in Apt. 1A - it still looks much like the set on TV:

Comment by Eric Keith Longo on April 27, 2022 at 2:35pm

Here is the same location on the show in real color:

Comment by Jason H on April 27, 2022 at 2:35pm

Thats funny Mike, wow back in 2014 you started that.. great minds think alike. Im not sure if you caught mine but here it is.. one of these threads should be stickied somewhere. 



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